The Eagle Family was on the move early. They followed each other one by one to a tree in the far west pasture and perched there for a while. E4 flew back to the nest pasture after seeing Mom and Dad off to begin their day. The breezes became stronger and E4 spent a good part of the day flying from tree to tree in the pasture and over to one of the favorite trees behind the church. Launching and landing are getting better and better with each flight. E4 took another long flight to the west tree line to perch with Mom. The crows and shrikes were chasing and diving at E4 today.
Mom and Dad dropped by to check on the nest and E4. As the action packed day came to end, E4 was fast asleep but awakened by a possible intruder. Ozzie and Harriet could be heard voicing the alert. E4 vocalized and successfully defended the nest with wings full out. This was all after a very busy day in a young eagle’s life.
Summary by dadsjazz
Early morning silhouette of E4. (video/urdognu)
E4 playing on a spike. (Donna McMurrer)
Video by urdognu
- Family Departs Together At 7am ~ A First For E4
- Something disturbed E4
Video by wskrsnwings
- E4’s Morning Visit To Church Tree And Nest Pasture Trees
- E4’s Short Mid Day Fly About
Video by Mia
- Then ittle bird (Blue Jay?) was trying to bother E4.