Harriet and E6 developed a special bond in the early stages of life when she found a way to feed E6 under the calm cover of darkness. Their bond continued to grow ever stronger as Mom continues her dedicated guidance of E6. E6 is on the fast track to putting all the lessons Mom and Dad have taught to good use. There have been many visitors intruding into their territory throughout the season. E6 observed Mom and Dad defending the nest tree and territory and is now a force ready to protect their property. While Ozzie is on the mend it seems E6 has taken a giant step up be at Mom’s side. Today E6 flew with determination expanding boundaries and making a trip across the main road and back for the first time.
Harriet and E6 have staved off the continual stream of visitors and appear to have gained ground in their efforts. They shared the quiet enjoyment of the pond area when E6 discovered solid ground for the first time last week. E6 the intelligent and curious young eagle, joined Mom for more peaceful moments at the pond today. She enticed E6 by wading in the pond and taking several drinks of water. E6 played with sticks and grasses near the pond bank seeming not to be paying attention to Mom. Suddenly E6 made a dash toward the water feeling it for the first time. E6 seemed delighted to dip down into the cool water. The first drinks E6 took must have tasted delicious. E6 returned later in the evening to the quiet comfort of the pond and again took a few dips and sips. A full bath is on the horizon. New experiences are almost a daily occurrence and will serve E6 well as the journey continues. Summary by dadsjazz
Video by Urdognu
- Long Lasting Fit To Perched Intruder Until It Departs http://youtu.be/VUx4ExZpTdU
- Discovering The Pond With Mom; First Dip For E6 http://youtu.be/6WA2rG6DJz8
- Evening Antics At The Pond With Adult Intruder http://youtu.be/AsURkOSlkb0
Ground video by wskrsnwings
- Pond Tree Antics ~Flights, Play, Pesky Crows~ http://youtu.be/ODduSVVD2Pk
- Unexpected Ground Trip & Several Short Flights http://youtu.be/Q-ekIMUqnoU
- Juvie Intruder & Safe Flight Over The BIG Road http://youtu.be/A8ZE1PmCuCk