The great and mighty Ozzie deserves top honors on Father’s Day. He has been a loyal mate to Harriet and dedicated Father to their offspring over their many years as a bonded pair. Ozzie has displayed fierceness in the protection of his family and territory along with tenderness in caring for his young. He has been an excellent provider and a master nest builder for his family.
Ozzie has exhibited his strong ability to persevere in the face of adversity. He supported his family through trials and tribulations in the loss of two of their Eaglets and the daily struggles of Eagle life. His celebrity has also been realized when he was felled by an accident unable to fly, rescued and recognized as Ozzie the Eagle. He was taken to CROW, a wildlife clinic, where he was given medical attention. He courageously worked through the next 3 months to heal and regain his ability to fly.
Ozzie’s absence left Harriet to fend for herself and her offspring E6. In her reality Ozzie her mate was gone. Her instinct to survive and insure the survival of E6 overpowered her obvious sorrow in the loss of Ozzie. She became the sole provider and defender of the partial family. Her need for Ozzie’s presence became evident as various Eagles entered the territory possibly trying to take over their territory. One such Eagle became a constant companion for Harriet. He has been named FV for Frequent Visitor. The future role of FV is unknown.
The time to rejoice came on June 17, 2015 when Ozzie’s rehabilitation was complete and it was time for his release back to the freedom of soaring the great heights. Ozzie swiftly took to the skies as the crate door opened. He flew strong and far to a familiar perch close to his nest and territory. Success! As the news came of the release all have anxiously waited to see the reunion of Ozzie and Harriet.
What is known is that the great and mighty Ozzie has realized the joy of freedom once again. Harriet and FV are still engaging in their daily routine. There has been no sure sighting of Ozzie but that does not truly mean that he has gone. Ozzie has survived for many years relying on his instincts and the ways of the Eagle. The saga of this Great Eagle Family continues.
Summary by dadsjazz