Harriet and M15 are taking all the necessary steps toward cementing the bond that has been developing over the last several months. It has been said that Eagles mate for life however there are perils along the way. Harriet tragically lost her devoted mate Ozzie. Young suitor M15 arrived on the scene, persisted, persevered and has been at Harriet’s side. One theory is that they are not considered a bonded pair until they raise young together. This may be the first chance for M15 to do just that. Harriet’s invaluable experience and drive to procreate is more evident as she takes the lead in the relationship between the two. Female Eagles are the dominant partner to ensure the loyalty of their mate. M15 is proving himself well as he follows Harriet’s lead and example.
Harriet enjoyed bathing at the pond on their territory as M15 watched from the nest tree. Their work together continues as they survey the area defending and warning off any intruders. The overnight hours have been spent perching together in the nest tree or in a nearby tree. Their behaviors are indicating a strengthening bond.

M15’s instincts are becoming more and more apparent as Nature intended and he is showing the dedication and work it will take to be Harriet’s mate. M15 is becoming more experienced as he works on nest building by finding the right branches and soft nest materials. Harriet still has to have her say in the placement of the sticks. M15’s greatest accomplishments have been delivering fish to the nest, a necessity for feeding Harriet and any future eaglets. He successfully delivered two fish in one day.
The witnessing of M15 maturing and growing into his majesty as he surpasses milestones has been an amazing sight. This has been an enlightening journey from sorrow to renewal. Hope is that Harriet and M15’s path continues with joyful results and rewards. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Video by wskrsnwings
Harriet & M15 Mate~Defend~Rebuild As The Morning Awakens https://youtu.be/882Bd1FoHkM
Together At Dawn To Nestorate~Separate Flight Paths Away https://youtu.be/tpSWgDV7FzA
Five Nest Material Deliveries~Mating~Both On High Alert https://youtu.be/owvLr5TfTI4
The Three B’s: Will Bonding & Building = Babies? https://youtu.be/RmuP83msAM8
Harriet Stays At The Nest Watchful Of Sky Activity https://youtu.be/SJl63LtSHGQ
Early Morning Watch~Harriet Talks & M15 Works https://youtu.be/aZ_ee_wclEI
M15 Gets A Grip On Nest Building~Harriet Still Rearranges https://youtu.be/MB92W4wOnPA
Video by Birdbrain65
SWFL Eagles ~ Monday Evening Hi-Lites ~ https://youtu.be/V8f2I7sQB0Q
SWFL Eagles ~ Let’s Make Some Bobbleheads ~ https://youtu.be/ttthL97hfo0
SWFL Eagles ~ Tuesday Evening ~ https://youtu.be/GTqBYUv4USg
SWFL Eagles ~ An Eagle’s Work is Never Done https://youtu.be/RnbAsgcynAo
SWFL Eagles ~ Wednesday Evening Activities https://youtu.be/Pd-3oowUzyo
SWFL Eagles ~ Thanks! I’ll Take That Now ~ 11/20/15 (Fish delivery) https://youtu.be/_zyPmBRk9Do
SWFL Eagles ~ Fish Delivery #1 ~ 11/21/15 https://youtu.be/HZrscUS62ws
SWFL Eagles ~ Fish Delivery #2 ~ 11/21/15 https://youtu.be/6VWVg3j6biw
Video by scyllabub
Harriet attacked from behind – alarm!!! investigation! then to nest. https://youtu.be/yOQqKzpgOxU
Harriet was hit from behind, who was the shadowy attacker?! – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/omkGIZfgTFU
Another disturbance, did M15 deal with it at top of tree? https://youtu.be/V3D2XdVHdgc
Morning, M15 returns, Harriet nabs his leftover fish piece – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/fvla8g9BU-Q
M15 brings good stick, spreads moss SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/fN27Qdgrvb4
Mating in the attic – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/wyIgSzQRs_s
Morning wake up, M15 masterfully nestorising – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/NoCoY91EwJs
M15 gives fish, Harriet stays to roost, grackle attack… to nightfall – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/lh31ZmJOKo8
M15 brings fishes @ 1153hr and 1233hr – SW Florida Bald Eagles https://youtu.be/WbLVjDM7Bww
We can’t follow them home this nasty wet evening – SW Florida Bald Eagles 1
Video by Uta Grobe
Fish delivery Eagle left nest and fish alone now https://youtu.be/5ffO2K61OYk
Little nest work on evening and M15 nibbling on Harriets tail feathers https://youtu.be/6YjwlCe8Qfs
11-19-15 10:08 slide show fromt head great close up from M15 https://youtu.be/YbCq6-My5X4
11-20-15 17:44 Harriet on pond and M15 is watching https://youtu.be/OlXc9ZqIiHQ
SWE Cam 11-20-15 17:50 Nest work on evening and love on attic https://youtu.be/Uuc51RZwUD0
11-22-15 14:52 Close up Harriet – slide show https://youtu.be/Sus8WAhUzoE
More video views at http://bit.ly/1kZr40N