Harriet and M15 greet each other in the early mornings as they exchange places in the nest. Each assumes their duty with serious dedication. There are brief times when they meet on the old cam snag where Harriet reminds M15 of her dominant role in their partnership. They share moments of mating to strengthen their bond to each other. They excel in their teamwork to protect the nest from any intruders entering their territory.

Several heavy storms with srong winds swept through the area with no break in the action of incubating by Harriet and M15. Both were pelted with continuous rain as they took their time protecting and caring for their precious eggs. Harriet was bothered by mosquitoes and gnats overnight as the rains subsided. They have remained focused on their mission as they endure day-to-day unpleasantries.
Harriet and M15 have each taken advantage of some free time soaring in the breezes as the skies cleared. M15 delivered a large branch which landed on top of Harriet. He then brought a dried palm frond that looked awkward in the nest and proceeded to break it apart as he lay incubating. Harriet perched in the front pine tree preening her beautiful feathers as she dried out from overnight rain.
The storms have come and gone in the pasture without incident. Harriet and M15 steadily continue their commitment to build their bond and further their legacy. All wait anxiously for new life to arrive. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

(Photo by Anja Edelman)
Ground video by wskrsnwings
- Well Timed Switch~Keeping The Eggs Warm~Both Soaring https://youtu.be/fsdf9XocXws
- Beautiful Harriet’s Preen & Perch Party~The Hawks Join In https://youtu.be/ePZzPZ45Fb0
video by EagleEye Hallock
- SWFLEC 1/13/16 M15 begins incubating at 7:59am. Harriet takes over at 12:25 p.m. https://youtu.be/3ktbBDpXxOE
- SWFLEC 1/13/14 Harriet takes over at 12:25 p.m. https://youtu.be/hfvz_vpe4WI
- SWFLEC M15 returns with nesting material A Stick and begins incubating at 8:46am. 1/14/16 https://youtu.be/TfYdneIvq88
- SWFLEC 1/15/16 Posted M15 takes over am incubating duties 7:54am-11.32am. https://youtu.be/BNuFDd6sP6Q
- SWFLEC 1/17/16 It is all about The Flowers https://youtu.be/3Y_8M5a_Gmc
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 flushes out intruder on OCT 1.13.16 https://youtu.be/3wp_bpL7WzQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ Thy Crop Overfloweth 1.14.16 https://youtu.be/qcgxjH1KLNc
- SWFL Eagles ~ A little loving before dark 1.16.16 https://youtu.be/eFNypFfs-L0
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 eats on the OCT 1.17.16 https://youtu.be/EMbjyi0WD78
Video byLawLin72
- HARRIET & M PLAYING TAG ~ I’M IT, M! JAN 12, 2016 ~ SWFLEC https://youtu.be/Yq_b6ELFIiI
video by UrDogNu
- SWFEagles ~ In-Sync & Expressive Harriet ~ 1-11-16 https://youtu.be/0CDz2ZHw2s4
- SWFLEagles~Harriet Puts Her Foot Down ~ https://youtu.be/vac2sI4Kqd0
- SWFEagles~Big Bird Too Close, Pond Visitor & More ~ 1-12-16 https://youtu.be/PzHMl3G4m9A
- SWFLEagles~‘Back Log’, Pellet & Bird Talk ~ https://youtu.be/H9F49NswGiI
- SWFLEagles~Intruder Tries To Land In Nest, Perches In OCT, M Escorts ~ https://youtu.be/R_qHlop1fUM
- SWFLEagles~Teamwork Keeps Intruder From Landing In Nest/Tree https://youtu.be/EhJOLA9w-l4
- SWFLEagles~One Week ’Til Pip Watch, Keeping Those Eggs Warm & Rolled ~ https://youtu.be/PwEQWcVegm4
- SWFEagles ~ Soggy First Exchange Of The Day; 3 Cam Views ~ 1-15-16 https://youtu.be/49PW4m3pK0w
- SWFLEagles ~ First Switch, Pair Of Hawks Preening & More AM Highlights~ 1-16-16 https://youtu.be/8MSTD_gLBPM
- SWFLEagles~Harriet Downs Fish Gift, Eagle Soaring ~1-16-16 https://youtu.be/fLzdMhTwBuE
- SWFLEagles~The Storm & Bonding The Night Before ~ 1-17-16 https://youtu.be/LqoQrL0DLgU
- SWFLEagles~After The Storm, Missed The Nest, Windy Flights ~ 1-17-16 https://youtu.be/ssPC_2oGVTs
- SWFLEagles ~ M Goes Fishing At The Nest Pond, Palm Frond Delivery, M Eats On The OCT~ 1-17-16 https://youtu.be/J4sXlLCk3cw