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Harriet and M15 Bring New Life- Nest Notes Special Edition

Harriet and M15 have realized the fruits of their labor as their offspring E7 and E8 presented themselves to the world. E7 hatched January 26, 2016 at 7:23 am. The first sighting of E8 was January 27, 2016 at 10:39 pm. Mom, Dad and babies are well if not rain soaked after the many hours of stormy weather. The twists and turns over these last months have offered views of their dedication and perseverance to accomplish their goal of bringing new life into the world.

Thoughts are this may be a first for M15 and there are no doubts that he has succeeded as proud and very capable Eagle Dad. Harriet excels in her role of Eagle Mom. They have both tirelessly and unselfishly protected their priceless eggs and now newly hatched babies. All have a long road ahead that they will meet with continued diligence.

The journey to this point has been extremely eventful. There have been times of sorrow and times of joy. We have had moments of uncertainty and doubt followed by moments of enlightenment and belief. Followers have had a glimpse of the struggles of Eagle Life which begins in the egg as the chick toils to break free. Their inherent skills are then practiced and sharpened over their life to survive, find a mate and begin the cycle of life again.

Joyful sentiments go out to this Eagle Family as their journey continues. May The Great Spirit watch over and protect them. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

E7 Hatch

E8 Hatch

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