The witnessing of Eagle life adds new meaning to living life in the moment. Over the years Harriet has seen her life change in an instant. Harriet has displayed resilience in enduring the losses of eaglets and her longtime mate. Harriet’s strength and determination kept her true to her goal. As she took another mate this nesting season, all hopes were for a year without problems. M15 proved to be an exceptional mate for Harriet and they succeeded in producing two eaglets, E7 and E8. The fairy tale was progressing. The reality is how Eagle life presents the struggles that occur. Harriet’s focus remains on the furthering of her species and the care of her offspring. Moving on and adapting to what Eagle life offers ensures survival for her and her family.

E8 was injured and not found for nearly a week. As this young Eagle is being cared for and struggles for life we are reminded that there is no happily ever after, only a journey that is lived minute by minute. All hope is for moment by moment healing for E8 and this amazing Eagle family.Nest Notes by dadsjazz