Harriet and M15 greeted the morning and each other on the old cam tree in the pasture bright and early on October 1, the first official day of the 2016/2017 Nesting Season. They were in full work mode that day adding sticks and grasses to their nest. Over the last few years it seemed as if the Seasons had no definitive end or beginning. Harriet and M15 have worked steadily since the end of August rebuilding the original nest that started disintegrating and eventually collapsed. This may be a symbolic undertaking for Harriet and M15.
The loss of the nest may have closed the chapter on Harriet and her former mate Ozzie who was also sadly lost. The renewal and strengthening of the bond between Harriet and new mate M15 becomes cemented. Although they raised a clutch together last season, constructing a nest together from scratch also further builds their dedication to each other and the continuing of their species and to their territory.
M15 has displayed great instinct and has matured tremendously over the last year. He arrived in the pasture as a young energetic but seemingly inexperienced and awkward male Eagle. He stayed the course and won Harriet’s attention and devotion. They raised two eaglets and dealt with adversity over the season.
The joy in watching Harriet and M15’s bond grow is like watching the nest being built. Where there was nothing, a branch was brought in. The branch did not stay, so they tried another branch and then another. Some branches stuck and some fell away. They did not give up and the branches began to mesh. The nest was forming and the work continued. Some days the pace for building was rapid and then there were days of rest. The foundation was there for both their nest and their bond to blossom. The progression of it all has been amazing to behold.As the journey continues, we can be encouraged that the way of the Eagle is well and thriving in the pasture that is home to Harriet and M15.
Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Nesting Material Delivery Photos- by Donna McMurrer
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- H & M Celebrate Day 1 Of Nesting Season~17 Sticks/Grasses Part ½ 10-01-16 https://youtu.be/3ONgRG7Nlt0
- H & M Celebrate Day 1 Of Nesting Season~17 Sticks/Grasses Part ½ 10-01-16 https://youtu.be/YCwU__h3kvU
- Harriet & M15 Are Home~Courtship Behaviors Begin 08-23-16 https://youtu.be/5KAmiv20tH4
- Harriet Delivers & Places Sticks Two Times Early Morning 08-30-16 https://youtu.be/KOE470Wcink
- Branches To Place Are Lost And Moss For Lady Harriet 09-03-16 https://youtu.be/_Vv-XNPm4BQ
- Building A Nest~Part 1 of 2~Teamwork & Sticks Galore 09-04-16 https://youtu.be/MuyCNAdwY90
- Building A Nest~Part 2 of 2~Teamwork & Sticks Galore 09-04-16 https://youtu.be/B9xPetp_GnA
- Nest Building~A Solid Foundation~Branches From New Places Part 1 of 2 09-08-16 https://youtu.be/nyOZ_K5TTRI
- Nest Building~A Solid Foundation~Branches From New Places Part 2 of 2 09-08-16 https://youtu.be/_-UafnuvD-s
- Nest Building Extras: “Grab-N-Go” & “Abort The Nest” 09-17-16 https://youtu.be/mo6TV2xlPPc
- Harriet & M15’s Bond And Nest Grow~19 Sticks, An Alligator & Turtle 09-21-16 https://youtu.be/nsyJfheMm9w
- Sticks Galore!! Tandem Flights~40 Items Added In 3 Hours Part ½ 09-25-16 https://youtu.be/vuyTxlJzZkc
- Sticks Galore!! Tandem Flights~40 Items Added In 3 Hours Part 2/2 09-25-16 https://youtu.be/eQ_LwWx3STk
- Gathering Sticks While Defending The Area 09-29-16 https://youtu.be/DmVgWWQrfPU
SWFEC Cam video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ LIVE Season 5 Begins! Harriet & M15 Together 9.25.16 https://youtu.be/SVXEj5DGp7s
- SWFL Eagles ~ Morning Visits; Nest Building 9.26.16 https://youtu.be/RxnHxsxHAqQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sub Adult Visitor on Old Cam Tree 9.26.16 https://youtu.be/V5LghVc51xU
- SWFL Eagles ~ Love is in the Air; Harriet’s Rainbow 9.30.16 https://youtu.be/4XRebV83ZAA
- SWFL Eagles ~ Nest building; Bridging Gaps; Harriet Closeups 10.1.16 https://youtu.be/LaktJXE9gh4
SWFEC Cam video by Uta Grobe
- BESWFL09/25/16- 17:27 Rain and Storm but M15 is standing his “man” by this weather https://youtu.be/HqXpWgFWm2Y
- BESWFL09/29/16 Busy Midmorning with Harriet and M15 https://youtu.be/lYLegiVxSTw
- BESWFL 09/30/16 13:26 Close up M15 https://youtu.be/2VZpcHDGikk
- BESWFL10/01/16 10:21 Close up from beautiful Harriet https://youtu.be/Pk2uO1kIsXw

Photo by Marie Dean