Harriet and M15 began the New Year welcoming eaglet E9 who broke into the world on December 31, 2016 at 7:33 a.m. The chick began the hatching process two days earlier making a small crack or pip in the shell. E9’s struggle to be free is one of the first lessons of the hard work it takes to become a majestic Eagle. The first glimpses of this sweet little package of fluffiness and the gentle way Mom and Dad have in caring for E9 are amazing sights to behold. E9 arrived with a voice and an appetite, peeping away for food. The first meal came quickly and E9 bobbled about to get to the fish offerings by Mom. Better control of neck muscles comes in a few days and feedings will improve. Harriet is a seasoned Eagle Mom as she tends to her baby. M15 seemed a little awkward at first since this may be only his second time as an Eagle Dad. He has exceeded all expectations as he shares all the duties as devoted mate to Harriet and Dad to their offspring. In somewhat of a twist, Dad has been eaglet sitting while Mom brings home the fish since their roles are interchangeable

The fate of the other egg is still in question since it has not hatched as of this writing. Laying two or more eggs insures that at least one will hatch and the eaglet will thrive. Nest mates provide eaglets with good Eagle life lessons but Mom and Dad will work together to guide E9 in necessary survival skills.
Hope for the New Year is that Mom, Dad and E9 continue their journey with a healthy and successful season. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Mom, Dad and E9 (Cynthia Ott)

Ground Video by wskrsnwings
Harriet & M15~Totally Devoted To Each Other & Their Eggs 12-27-16 https://youtu.be/-U7a064ii0E
Video captures from SWFEC live cameras by BirdBrain56
SWFL Eagles ~ An Uninvited Visitor ~ 12·26·16 https://youtu.be/St_BB-NBy9U
SWFL Eagles ~ We Have a Pip ~ 12·05·16 https://youtu.be/rarZg6MdF8k
SWFL Eagles ~ A Break for Harriet ~ 12·30·16 https://youtu.be/t4zOgkIuSVE
Video captured from SWFEC live cameras by Flyeagle78
Harriet and M see E9 12 31 2016 https://youtu.be/af8DwhZ_H-0
Video captured from SWFEC live cameras by Janet Adams
SWFLEC Discussion Between Harriet and M15 12.29.16 https://youtu.be/IDvore75XOc
Hatching of E9 12.31.16 https://youtu.be/M0EN46W4cTA
Video captured from SWFEC live cameras by Lady Hawk
SWFL Eagles ~ Last Few Carefree Mornings Before Pip Watch 12.26.16 https://youtu.be/8MPCzqokgt0
SWFL Eagles ~ Gorgeous Views of Eggs 12.26.16 https://youtu.be/-85FqNWNqTg
SWFL Eagles ~ We are on Pip Watch! 12.27.16 https://youtu.be/g3S82EiK57E
SWFL Eagles ~ H & M Diligently Watch & Listen for a Pip 12.27.16 https://youtu.be/L8i4IQNtcYE
SWFL Eagles ~Where Art Thou Oh Pip? 12.29 https://youtu.be/z6kRG36EMTY
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings Grass Gift; Evening Conversations 12.28.16 https://youtu.be/HWWQIxfzYfM
SWFL Eagles ~~ It’s Official – We Have a Pip!! 12.29.16 https://youtu.be/_rxc2QMBB3I
SWFL Eagles ~Middle of the Night Switch by M15 12.30.16 https://youtu.be/sDjjn9a82gE
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 brings fish and palm frond 12 30 16 https://youtu.be/01dde-e7ibk
SWFL Eagles ~ Movement is Seen Inside Egg; Pipping Continues 12.30.16 https://youtu.be/KDnhhLNK_DM
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Watches Pipping; Chirping Heard 12.30.16 https://youtu.be/ZXW_NQ-groM
SWFL Eagles ~ Sleeping Beauty; Pipping Continues Overnight 12.30.16 https://youtu.be/XodeuCAX_rs
SWFL Eagles ~~ Welcome to the World E9!! Official Hatch 12.31.16 https://youtu.be/17umnr-iMvw
SWFL Eagles~ E9’s First Feeding by Mom; Harriet Arrives with Fish 12.31.16 https://youtu.be/M4Oztey_EOA
SWFL Eagles ~ E9’s Second & Third Feedings 12.31.16 https://youtu.be/CfSSZV5hJLs
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Preens; Small Bites for E9 1.1.17 https://youtu.be/4DZu9Qh9QDU
Video captures from SWFEC live cameras by LawLin
SWFL Eagle Cam ~ PIP, Dec 29, 2016 https://youtu.be/QZX9rXMXvgc
Video captured from SWFEC live cameras by UrDogNu
SWFLEagles~Welcome Eaglet E9 @ 7:33am; Pip To Hatch ~ 12-30&31-16 https://youtu.be/IMXAyqBekNw
Video captured from SWFEClive cameras by Uta GroBe
SWFL12/31/16- 09:51 Dad i am hungry- cl egg#1 with dried blood from inside egg#2 https://youtu.be/EHVSqbnyiz8