Harriet and M15 have been diligently caring for their growing eaglet E9 throughout the week. Mom and Dad have had their schedules full hunting for prey and delivering fish to the nest to feed hungry E9 who is just over 2 weeks old and has grown to around one foot tall and weighs about 3 lbs. E9 has reached a few milestones this week including successfully climbing out of the nest bole for the first time using growing wings and feet. The beautiful weather allowed E9 to feel the warm sunshine and nap out in the open as Mom or Dad stood by to offer some shade if needed. By week’s end energetic E9 scurried from one side to the other and was observed for the first time from the ground while reaching up to grab a bite to eat from Mom. E9 has a natural curiosity to explore the nest and peek over the edge but E9 instinctively knows the limits.
Dad outdid himself as the accomplished hunter delivering 6 fish to the nest in a few short hours one afternoon. The whole family enjoyed the feast and E9 chirped away with satisfaction. More grass was brought and sticks were added to shore up the nest rails now that E9 is out surveying the nest. The nonviable egg was still in the nest. Harriet and M15 seem to have less interest in it at times as their focus is on E9.
Mom and Dad called out the alert several times this week when there were visits from sub adult eagles in the territory. One sub adult followed M15 back to the nest possibly trying to snag the fish he was carrying. E9 is familiar with the alert calls and became still and low in the nest under Mom and Dad’s protection.
As Eagle life and lessons continue day by day, there will be many more first and milestones for E9 with the excellent guidance of dedicated Harriet and M15. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- 1st Sighting Of E9 From The Ground 01-12-17 https://youtu.be/qjKKXxM739g
- Harriet & M15 On Alert~M15 Adds Sticks & Grasses 01-12-17 https://youtu.be/hAiDG7ljTco
- E9’s 2 Week Birthday~M Brings Food & Rails~H Watches For Guests 01-14-17 https://youtu.be/iqogLOLT6Zg
Video captured from SWFEC cameras by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Family Time Together 1.8.17
- https://youtu.be/c3ni-SZcpVA
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9 Falls Over on Back 1.9.17 https://youtu.be/3WrejjKhJzU
- SWFL Eagles ~ Watch Out for that Stick; Closeup of E9’s Feathers 1.10.17 https://youtu.be/hkputeuNmzw
- SWFL Eagles ~ Fish & Sticks 1.10.17 https://youtu.be/tmuMKfrvoLU
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9 Ventures Out of Nest Bowl; Stick Hits E9 1.11.17 https://youtu.be/FM8SkS63–I
- SWFL Eagles ~ Stick Battles; Headless Fish; Precious E9 Sleeping 1.11.17 https://youtu.be/yrcHnk_2qJg
- SWFL Eagles ~ Food Caught in E9’s Throat 1.11.17 https://youtu.be/9H6HxZiuj6w
- SWFL Eagles ~ Tandem Feeding for E9 1.12.17 https://youtu.be/gal_Xyi3n3Q
- SWFL Eagles ~ Live Fish in the Pantry 1.13.17 https://youtu.be/6_CX6YEYnlI
- SWFL Eagles ~ Intruder Alert as M15 Delivers Another Fish to Nest 1.13.17 https://youtu.be/T6TQvdDGE5I

E9’s first trip out of the nest bole to the rails. (Screen capture from SWFEC camera by Sharon Dunne)