E9 has blossomed into a magnificent Juvenile Eagle over the past 3 months. Although the time seems to have passed quickly, E9 has become quite adept at many needed survival skills. E9 executes beautiful sweeping flights and maneuvers throughout the territory. Natural curiosity drives E9 to venture farther to new places. E9 was seen soaring in the skies last week and has followed Mom and Dad to scope out some of their favorite place throughout the rest of the week. E9 made daily jaunts to Yonder Pond and was observed for the first time bathing there. E9 watched from the pond bank while Mom took a refreshing bath and, after chasing her around, took a few drinks and dips in the water too. E9 is a grand explorer just as nature intended.

Image by Desiree Deliz
M15 continues to provide most of the food for E9 with Harriet also bringing an occasional meal. E9 has grown in fierceness and aggression getting to the food. E9 warned Dad away, stood up to Mom in a tug-o-fish and eventually won the prize. A day passed without a food drop in the nest for E9 which could be another lesson in finding food. When M15 brought a fish to the ground near the pond E9 rushed in to claim the fish chasing Mom and Dad away. These behaviors are encouraged by Mom and Dad to help E9 learn that meals will not always come easy and to fight for the food when it is available. In the beginning of their lone journey Juvenile Eagles will steal meals from Eagles and other birds and scavenge from various sources while their hunting and fishing skills are being perfected along the way. E9 has also become protector of the territory even if only to chase off the bothersome blue jays, crows and pesky little birds buzzing by.Harriet and M15 have done stellar work preparing their eager E9 for the next part of the journey. E9 has imprinted exceptionally well and is armed with many lessons combined with strong survival instincts. All the pieces are coming together for E9 who will excel as a courageous Juvenile on the way to becoming a majestic Eagle. Nest Notes by dadsjazz-
Ground Video by Liz G.
- E9 at the Yonder Pond https://youtu.be/Qw5OqvcQ4_U
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- Mr.Blue Jay~ An Unlikely Survival Skills Teacher 03-26-17 https://youtu.be/1a_5Zpwx0ec
- A Morning To Fly & Watch Mom Eat On A Branch 03-28-17 https://youtu.be/NbcY4qfVgcE
- Resourceful E9~Birds Pester~Upside Down~Pellet~Flight Away 03-29-17 https://youtu.be/WG3PrqC4FYQ
- E9 Keeps Busy Flying & Avoiding Dive-Bombing Crows 03-30-17 https://youtu.be/d2yy9wsFQOM
- Early Fish For E9-Great Self Feed~Foot Misplaced When Branch Dancing 03-31-17 https://youtu.be/d7vWBwDEhko
- Yonder Pond~A Bath For Mom~Drinks & Dips For E9~A Game Of Keep Away 04-01-17 https://youtu.be/JUuZcIKiTzI
- SWFL Eagles_Flights To Pasture Trees & Yonder Pond~H Calls E9 To Dinner 04-02-17 https://youtu.be/cmHDuKTLS8s
Video captured from SWFEC cameras by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9 & Dad; Evening Time & Chittering 3.26.17 https://youtu.be/dXt0yX8wbEM
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Delivers Evening Fish 3 26 17 https://youtu.be/HJfZhk8Ygv0
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9’s Home Tonight; Harriet & M15 Visit 3.27.17 https://youtu.be/nXpLjOSbjQA
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers Live Flopping Fish 3 28 17 https://youtu.be/zBeuLJw2j68
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9 American Beauty 3.28.17 https://youtu.be/1NMxIX0Dt0w
- SWFL Eagles ~ Tug-O-Fish; Harriet Steals, E9 Saves 3.28.17 https://youtu.be/PBw_s7pRwVg
- SWFL Eagles ~ All Home Tonight; E9, Mom & Dad Perch Together in Nest Tree 3.28.17 https://youtu.be/6bQorRKAA1M
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9 Birthday Fish From Dad 3.31.17 https://youtu.be/kdKh_zK2Wqc
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9’s Morning on the Snag Tree; Blue jay Visits 4.2.17 https://youtu.be/EuJHaaQyuzc
- SWFL Eagles ~ Hurry Up E9 ~ Dad Is Waiting With Fish 4.2.17 https://youtu.be/yab1-L72aRA
- SWFL Eagles ~ E9 & Dad at the Pond; Tree Bark, Drinking & Flapping 4.2.17 https://youtu.be/ouJa1fOTkPE