E10 and E11 are growing at a rapid pace and if you blinked you missed something. Eagle chicks grow at a faster rate than any other bird in North America. At hatch E10 and E11 were approximately 3 inches tall and weigh about 2 ounces. By week 3 they are about 8-10 inches tall and weigh approximately 2.5 lbs. Harriet and M15 stuffed the growing babies to the brim with nutritious courses of fish, foul, mammals and a variety of unidentified food objects. Family meal time had Mom and Dad on the nest both empting the abundant pantry feeding the Es, themselves and each other.
Milestones are being achieved as E1o climbed the mountain of moss and grass and ventured out of the nest cup and nest bowl. E11 was soon to follow. New found freedom showed the Es scurrying about the nest, peeking through the rails, and napping in the warm sun. M15 seemed to have a hard time trying to corral the scampering babies. They walk on their elbows so to speak or walk on their hocks as their leg muscles develop. Soft gray natal down is being replaced with darker thermal down and they are able to regulate their body temperatures. Small sprouts of feathers on their growing wings are beginning to take shape. Their appearance is different minute by minute and it is often times hard to tell one from the other. Little tails and big feet are bumping out from their developing bodies. They hatched so closely together that their roles have changed several time. At the beginning E10, as first hatched, was the more dominant and aggressive eaglet often times pecking E11 into submission. E11 has taken on that role and has been observed as more aggressive, not unlike human siblings battling back and forth for control. These are good characteristics for both as they will need to be strong to survive in the wild one day.
Harriet and M15 are imprinting the ways of the Eagles onto E10 and E11 as we see them picking at the food piles and sticks and moving grasses. They watch the comings and goings of Mom and Dad and are more aware of their surroundings. They can see over the nest rails and observe the world outside of the nest.
Many more changes will be seen as E10 and E11 continue the journey to their next milestones. Harriet and M15 have seen to it that their growing babies have plenty of food, comfort and security as they keep close watch over their family. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Weekly Video Highlights
Video by Lady Hawk ( captured from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Preens On OCT While Dad Feeds The Kids 1.5.18 https://youtu.be/LXpXeqiJM0o
- SWFL Eagles ~ Grass Man M15 Covers The Kids 1.5.18 https://youtu.be/5Cw44azbxr0
- SWFL Eagles ~ Escapes Planned ~ E’s Almost Out Of Nest Cup 1.5.18 https://youtu.be/WNTVIrNDMfE
- SWFL Eagles ~ E10 dominates E11 At Feeding ~ Sibling Aggression 1.5.18 https://youtu.be/-aFxRApi0TI
- SWFL Eagles ~ First Feeding of Day~ Harriet Feeds E10 & E11 1.6.18 https://youtu.be/DnzyCFbcrB4
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Feeds Egret Let ~ E11 Swallows The Claw 1.6.18 https://youtu.be/JqpOOmBbCfA
- SWFL Eagles ~ What’s In Your “Neck” Of The Woods? Mystery Meat; Huge Crops On Babies 1.6.18 https://youtu.be/8ifzLjqme9g
- SWFL Eagles ~ Fiesty E10 Bonks E11 & Bites Dad’s Head 1.6.18 https://youtu.be/r4ywOTKgoxQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Feeds Rabbit ToThe E’s; Harriet Watches From Attic 1.7.18 https://youtu.be/B9_HfHyBSsk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Double Escape ~ Both E10 & E11 Officially Out of Nest Bowl 1.7.18 https://youtu.be/mRdlXZwYpak
- SWFL Eagles ~ Pantry Is Well Stocked ~ Babies Full Crops & Sleepy 1.7.18 https://youtu.be/8TJEG7MPKto
- SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Sunrise ~ M Delivers 2 Fish & Gives E11 Good Feeding 1.8.18 https://youtu.be/DWnaoAtG4_4
- SWFL Eagles ~ Too Cute For Comfort; Talons, Beaks, Wings & Thermal Down Closeups 1.8.18 https://youtu.be/dJ0PZ1rea60
- SWFL Eagles ~ E11’s White Feather & Fish Pillow 1.8.18 https://youtu.be/1zUebG7ZZQc
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers Cattle Egret ~ E11 Gets To Eat 1.9.18 https://youtu.be/al9UHpTpZoc
- SWFL Eagles ~ Tandem Feeding ~ Rabbit By Harriet; Bird By M ~ Long Feeding 1.9.18 https://youtu.be/cJGH5uy6bYg
- SWFL Eagles ~ E10 Playing With Feather; Harriet’s Bath Time & Drying Wings 1.9.18 https://youtu.be/s1OVT6LVd_c
- SWFL Eagles ~ Birds Of A Feather ~ M Brings In Dove & Feeds E’s 1.10.18 https://youtu.be/qmu-Pi3LZDo
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Serves E11 Bird’s Feet Again! 1.10.18 https://youtu.be/q7Sc6AXIIdA
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Mother’s & Father’s Love ~ Harriet & M Watch Over Babies; Closeups 1.11.18 https://youtu.be/5vu6YmRY8Zo
- SWFL Eagles ~ Two Week Old Eaglets ~ Comparisons, Thermal Down, Wings 1.11.18 https://youtu.be/M3GNUBfZmw4
- SWFL Eagles ~ M Does Housekeeping ~ Takes Egret To Snag; Feeds Both Babies 1.11.18 https://youtu.be/Iv_aRHlksxA
- SWFL Eagles ~ E11 Bonks Like A Champ; Cute Tail Wiggle ~ Shake It Baby 1.11.18 https://youtu.be/3n2dNuMF4pw
- SWFL Eagles ~ E11 On Back ~ Dad Knocks Over With A Stick w/ SLO MO 1.12.18 https://youtu.be/J4RNYuw14pw
- SWFL Eagles ~ The Chase ~ Harriet & M Both Go After Intruder w/ SLO MO 1.12.18 https://youtu.be/azRK7pMZbDE
- SWFL Eagles ~ Another Tandem Feeding ~ Harriet Feeding E10; M Feeding E11 1.12.18 https://youtu.be/fnUT4d-Rhkk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Harriet ~ Morning Feeding of Babies 1.13.18 https://youtu.be/AyoF1WWOtEY
- SWFL Eagles ~ My What Big Feet You Have 1.13.18 https://youtu.be/5Z_ayEuc_mQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Takes Over Night Shift ~ One E Awake & Feisty 1.14.18 https://youtu.be/ASgltt4OUI0
- SWFL Eagles ~ M Delivers Breakfish For E’s ~ Harriet Feeds 1.14.18 https://youtu.be/vNo-xs4jZho
- SWFL Eagles ~ E10 Helping Dad With Housekeeping ~ Moving Grasses 1.14.18 https://youtu.be/pOZl5Ae1w2k
Ground video by wskrsnwings
- Action Packed_M Safely Gets Roadkill~Fish On-the-Fly By H~Greenery & Grasses~Pellet & Preening 01-07-18 https://youtu.be/KV2oya_euVM
- Eaglets Seen From The Ground~M Works For Grasses & Brings Fish 01-09-18 https://youtu.be/mWnG2do5BfU
- Fogged In_M & H To Pond~M Gets Fish & Removes Egret 01-11-18 https://youtu.be/RJdw5gHvgTQ
- Ground View Of E’s Being Fed~M Brings Airplant For H~H & M Give Chase 01-13-18 https://youtu.be/YPbWMUjVjXA