The week began with E11 making an appearance after being away for a few days. E10 and E11 perched in the nest tree overnight and on the snag trees the next morning. After a good rest and a filling meal, E11 took to the skies. It seemed that E10 was again the solo Juvenile Eagle in the pasture and now spending quality time with Mom and Dad. One morning, Dad treated E10 to a breakfast fish after which E10 flew off toward Yonder Pond. Since there have not been any sightings of E10 and E11 in several days, they have heeded the call to venture out and seek new horizons. They carry with them their sharp instincts, keenly developed skills, and all the valuable lessons learned over the months under the example and guidance of dedicated Eagle Parents.
Harriet and M15 began their well-deserved respite perching in shady places lazing away the warm days resting, relaxing and renewing their bond. They will soon start some renovations of the nest in preparation for the next chapter in their lives. Harriet and M15 have excelled in the fulfillment of their goal rearing and preparing two exceptional Juveniles for their journey of discovery. May the Great Eagle Spirit provide abundant food and safe skies to soar for E10 and E11’s voyage to magnificence. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Weekly Video Highlights
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ Where Is Everyone? E10 Alone In Nest Tree & Pasture 5.1.18
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & E10 ~ Sharing Special Moments 5.1.18
- SWFL Eagles ~ E10 Chased By Crows ~ M Flushes Out Juvie From Pasture 5.2.18
- SWFL Eagles ~ E10 Dive Bombed & Tag Teamed By Crows 5.3.18
- SWFL Eagles ~ Breakfast At The Nest For E10 5.4.18
- SWFL Eagles ~ Splish Splash Bath Time For Harriet ~ M Takes Drink At Pond 5.4.18
- SWFL Eagles ~ E10 & E11 Season 6 Tribute 5.6.18
Video by Roberto Darling (captured from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFEC Remembering Season 6
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- Early AM At Yonder Pond~E10 Watches As H & M Defend and Hunt 05-03-18
- H & M Do Nest Work In Two Places~No Juveniles Seen~Yonder Pond 5.5.18