E12 and E13 are looking more like Juvenile Eaglets than the tiny hatchlings they were a short time ago. Their beautiful dark feathers seem to have burst through overnight with only a few tufts of their natal down remaining. They displayed their magnificent wings feeling the breezes while flapping away with wings almost reaching the expanse of the nest. E13 was swept up in a little air while “wingersizing” and hopped a few times in the nest. They are catching up to their huge feet and are working on coordinating feet, food, and beaks. They move sticks, grass, and other items found around the nest. Leg muscles and balance are progressing. E12 stood upright, walked around the nest, and bravely stepped up to stand on nest rails for a moment. E13 stood longer and walked better and better by week’s end. They have a clear view beyond the nest and spend a lot of time at the edge. This may have prompted Harriet and M15 to remodel the perimeter of the nest. E12 and E13 observed and took in all the action as Mom and Dad worked one morning flying off and back with sticks and grasses, filling in areas around the nest rails. Mom added special touches with her favorite pine boughs and air plants. E12 and E13 pitched in and helped with some of the “nestorations.” Although they are curious they are also cautious of the nest boundaries for now and Mom and Dad want to be sure they stay in the nest for a while longer.

M15 is the master fisherman and hunter bringing home on the average of 6 fish per day along with other food items. Harriet added a fish or two of her own. Family dinner feasts are common these days with the abundance of food and everyone is well fed with very little competition. E12 and E13 are amazing nestmates and interact in ways that seem sweet and tender one moment then rough and tumble the next.
Harriet and M15 found time to spend together keeping their bond strong while rearing their family. They perch side by side overnight above the nest on some evenings and throughout the day on other occasions. Mom and Dad keep E12, E13, and their territory always within their sights, security and protection is their priority. As E12 and E13 grow and gain more independence, there will be little room in the nest and less of a need for Mom and Dad to be there with them. The progress E12 and E13 have made to this point has been highlighted with many milestones. There are more firsts and goals to be accomplished in the coming weeks and throughout their incredible path to Eagle life. Nest Notes by dadsjazz. Header photo Sharon Dunne/SWFEC camera
Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- E’s So Tall~Big Wings~Track & A Bromeliad, Bird & Bonding 01-30-19 http://bit.ly/2DJGO4Q
- Higher Crib Rail Design By H&M~Wings By E’s~Pellets~Breakfish 02-01-19 http://bit.ly/2Ry4VHl
Video by Anja Edelman (From SWFEC Cameras)
- 1-28-19 fish, grasses and fish delivery. E’s nibble on the fish https://bit.ly/2MEqGo5
Video by Lady Hawk (From SWFEC Cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ I Can’t Believe I Ate The Whole Thing ~ Harriet Swallows Whole Fish 1.29.19 https://bit.ly/2RlUHK5
- SWFL Eagles ~ E12 Wing Slaps E13 ~ Come On Get Up Bro! ~ Couch Potato Dad 1.29.19 https://bit.ly/2FWXYhK
- SWFL Eagles ~ Fishgetti For Two ~ E’s Play Tug-O-Guts 1.30.19 https://bit.ly/2CUKBdM
- SWFL Eagles ~ E12 Heraldic Pose ~ Wings Almost The Width Of The Nest 1.30.19 https://bit.ly/2GbEq8C
- SWFL Eagles ~ E12 Claims & Moves Harriet’s Bromeliad Air Plant 1.30.19 https://bit.ly/2sWWQ5b
- SWFL Eagles ~ Mom & Dad Put sticks On E12 ~ E13 Gets Stepped On 1.31.19 https://bit.ly/2G5gl45
- SWFL Eagles ~ E’s Stick Play Time ~ E13 Falls Asleep While Sunning Himself 1.31.19 https://bit.ly/2UwO5dF
- SWFL Eagles ~ E13 Standing Tall, Walking, Hops & Flaps ~ Harriet In Charge Of Nestover 2.1.19 http://bit.ly/2t1o2Q4
- SWFL Eagles ~ E12 Swallows A Whole Squirrel Pelt ~ Big Pellet Coming Tomorrow 2.2.19 https://bit.ly/2SkZK1T
- SWFL Eagles ~ E13 Makes Good Attempt At Self Feeding ~ Nibbles & Pulls Fish 2.3.19 http://bit.ly/2HQsbRl