E12 and E13 are gathering a wealth of accomplishments on their daily adventures. They sharpen skills and employ instincts as they are tested with all that life as an Eagle presents them. They are up and at em’ at daybreak, airborne and looking for their first discoveries of the moment. Their senses are heightened as they study their surroundings and watch the skies. E12 perches in the oak tree near the pond seeming to stalk the birds feeding on the bank. E12 is quick and agile in the swoop around the pond scattering the birds and causing the ducks to duck. E12 has a fascination for the pond playing with sticks and stones and all the interesting findings. E13 finally made it to the water’s edge taking a tail dip in the pond, a full bath is in the making.
Harriet and M15 make sure to add important lessons to the mix keeping their intelligent Juveniles engaged. Dad takes all opportunities to drop food in different locations on the ground, in trees and still in the nest at times. Following the Adults in the hope of stealing their food is a lesson E12 and E13 are tuned into. Both are aware of all deliveries and aggressively arrive to stake their claim. E13 has become fierce in keeping food protected. E12 gains more strength flying while carrying food to another tree or location to eat. Standing their ground and keeping their meal from each other and even Mom and Dad is a vital skill for their future life in the wild. Soon E12 and E13 will be off on the actual hunting expeditions with Mom and Dad to the many ponds in the area or to the river about a mile away.
E12 and E13 are developing into courageous Juvenile Eagles as they take command of their territory. E12 roosted overnight in a front pine tree with Mom and Dad as E13 perched on the attic branch watching over the nest tree. E12 and E13 are a strong presence as they fly with confidence and ease from tree to tree, pasture to pasture and places beyond. They will be well equipped with all the necessary tools for survival. Harriet and M15 have been exemplary Parents guiding E12 and E13 on the journey to Eagle Life. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.

Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- E12 Successfully Holds & Flies With Prey To 2 Trees Before Eating In Nest 03-25-19 http://bit.ly/2Wk86oI
- Long/Short Flights~Fly At Sticks~Carry Pine Cones~Avoid Birds~Follow Each Other 03-27-19 http://bit.ly/2CE64bO
- Great Survival Skills Seen~Eyes On Each Other & Adult~Both Show Dominance~Nest Building Instinct 03-29-19 http://bit.ly/2WAqlq9
Video by Anja Edelman (From SWFEC cameras)
- 3/25/2019 ~Dad drops off prey to E12 at the pond~ http://bit.ly/2FyEFZ9
- 3/25/2019 ~E12 having her lunch in the pine behind nest tree~ http://bit.ly/2JFzlc4
Video by Lady Hawk (From SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ E12 Claims Prey At Pond ~ Chases Off Dad & Carries To Branch 3.25.19 http://bit.ly/2WuINk5
- SWFL Eagles ~ E12 Shows Off Eating On A Branch ~ Dad Steals Prey & E13 Claims it 3.25.19 http://bit.ly/2FzWjgq
- SWFL Eagles ~ E’s Fly Over Pasture ~ M Delivers Live Flopping Fish; Tug-O-Fish ~GET IT E12! 3.26.19 http://bit.ly/2YtPeWb
- SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Sleepy Harriet ~ Preening & Napping In The Sunlight AMAZING CLOSEUPS 3.26.19 http://bit.ly/2uzIcBI
- SWFL Eagles ~ E12 ~ THE SOAKER!! Bath Time Again At The Pond! 3.25.19 https://bit.ly/2JMHbRc
- SWFL Eagles ~ I found The Perfect Spot For My Stick ~ On You E12! 3.28.19 http://bit.ly/2FDlhdO
- SWFL Eagles ~ Look At ME!! E12 Joins Dad On Pylon First Time & Balances On Rope!! 3.30.19 http://bit.ly/2FJGBOz
- SWFL Eagles ~ E13 GOES TO POND FIRST TIME! WOOHOO! Butt Dips & Sips 3.30.19 http://bit.ly/2YDBVCD
- SWFL Eagles ~ Come and Get It~ E12 Claims & Eats Fish At Pond HOP/WALKS 3.30.19 https://bit.ly/2U7NT8V
- SWFL Eagles ~ RUMBLE AT THE POND! ~ E12 Chases & Knocks E13 Over W/ SLO MO 3.31.19 https://bit.ly/2UpSbb6