Harriet and M15 are on a mission adding to the nest rail perimeter which is growing higher and higher. M15 snags perfectly curved sticks from the nearby trees and Harriet finds a fresh sprig of pine to adorn their nest. M15 tests out the nest bowl, lying in it for a few minutes then flying off to gather softer grasses for the center. As they make all the essential adjustments to their sprawling nest, their home front is looking strong and secure to contain soon to arrive feisty eaglets.

Harriet and M15 spend more time in the nest tree and territory keeping visitors at bay. The night flying owls continued making their moves on Harriet and M15. Harriet decided to fend off the annoying owl, taking advantage of the moonlit skies. She forcefully defended her nest, letting them know the property is occupied and will not be surrendered any time soon.
M15’s hunting is ramping up with daily food deliveries for Harriet. Squirrel seemed to be the prey of choice with a fish every so often. Harriet brought a fish to the nest and also eagerly accepted M15’s food gifts. They instinctively become more focused on their goal of reproducing. Harriet’s intensity and dominance drive her to take the lead in their bond. This assures her that M15 will be loyal to her and fulfill his role in helping to rear their offspring. M15 is a grand and noble partner, securing his place and proving time after time his devotion to Harriet, their life together and their family. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- Architects H & M Are Building A Mansion Of A Nest 10-18-19 http://bit.ly/2pBhmde
Video by Lady Hawk (from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Tests Out & *Lays* In Nest Bowl! Ready For Eggs! Harriet Foots M Again! 10.14.19 https://bit.ly/2VK04Gu
- SWFL Eagles ~ What A STUNNING Couple! Harriet & M Evening Pond Visit! Moonlit Backdrop! 10.15.19 https://bit.ly/33z2Pxd
- SWFL Eagles ~ OWL STRIKE!! Harriet & GHO Lock Talons Mid-Air!! SLO MO!! 10.16.19 http://bit.ly/35GpU2T
- SWFL Eagles ~ The Owl STRIKES AGAIN!! Knocks Harriet Off Branch! 10.18.19 http://bit.ly/2MUgZCs
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s BEST SIDE KICK Of Season!! ~ Matings, Sunrise Stick Deliveries & Nest Work! http://bit.ly/2VXJQcV
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Wrangles A Wishbone Branch! 10.18.19 http://bit.ly/2J3XyWF
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet ~ The Epitome Of Beauty & Strength! GORGEOUS Closeups!! 10.18.19 https://bit.ly/2qvmvE3
- SWFL Eagles ~ Cute M15 ~ Mr McFluffly! Amazing Closeups Of Our Favorite Dad!! 10.19.19 https://bit.ly/2VVlctG
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s WILD RIDE!! Foots & Jumps On M’s Back!! SLOMO 10.19.19 https://bit.ly/32ymI7A