Harriet and M15 have assembled a wide variety of materials, giving their nest a beautiful updating. Strong sticks and branches balanced with soft grasses and palm fronds make a sturdy home for their family. Harriet arrived with a bough of fresh pine and added her touches, too. There were discussions between them as to where items were placed, with Harriet usually having the final word. This attractive home may look inviting to others in search for a place to raise their young. Sub-Adult Eagles migrating through the area stopped by to perch in the nest tree, root through the nest and even take a drink at the pond. The Starlings, Crows and other birds dart into the nest to steal materials for their nests. Some of the activities are tolerated and some are not. The Great Horned Owls continue to make their presence and intentions known in the cover of darkness. Harriet and M15 stood their ground in spite of the efforts of the bothersome Owls. Those who enter the territory are now intruders and tolerance of visitors lessens as the time for egg-laying draws near.

Harriet and M15 fortify themselves and each other. M15 delivers nutritious meals for Harriet as well as keeping himself well-fed. He was observed eating prey on a tree branch as Harriet flew to perch above vocalizing at him. He flew off to another location to eat in peace. He later brought half of the catch to the nest for Harriet which she approved and accepted.
Harriet and M15 share all the responsibilities in their goal to raise another generation of offspring. M15 stood guard during the overnight hours when Harriet slept peacefully in the nest. Mating increases and they spend more time perched together in the nest tree and other favorite places in their territory. Harriet and M15 display their unity in their commitment to protecting one another, their property and their soon to be Eaglets. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- More Than A Nest…A Home ~ New Sticks/Grasses Mating Protecting 10-22-19 http://bit.ly/31DJ8TA
- This Morning’s Top Job – Secure The Territory 10-25-19 http://bit.ly/2qKRGeE
- A Sub Adult Kind Of Morning ~ One In The Nest & Front Pine 10-28-19 http://bit.ly/2JtxYKS
Video by Lady Hawk (from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ SUB ADULT VISITOR! Flies Into Nest Tree w/Harriet!! Checks Out Pond! 10.21.19 https://bit.ly/360X1if
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Sweet LOVE NIPS To Harriet 10.22.19 https://bit.ly/31Jp5TF
- SWFL Eagles ~ M Brings Home The Lumber! STICK DISCUSSIONS ~ Grasses On Harriet’s Back! Lays In Nest http://bit.ly/3427UP0
- SWFL Eagles ~ GHO Attacks Harriet Again~ Knocks Her From Branch! Multi Cam Views w/ SLOMO! 10.24.19 http://bit.ly/2PifHE7
- SWFL Eagles ~ Owl Strikes Harriet HARD ~ Knocking Her From Perch! ~ H & M Give Chase! 10.26.19 http://bit.ly/31QTpfg
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Is Back!! Foots M With MULTIPLE Love Taps! SLOMO! Wishbone Stick! 10.27.19 http://bit.ly/345N9Sn
Video by Liz G Eaglespirit (from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagle cam GHO strikes again 10-24-19 http://bit.ly/2MLBHFG