Harriet and M15 have been an efficient and unstoppable incubating team keeping their cherished Eggs in optimal condition. Soon it will be time for their new generation of Eaglets to break into the world. Mom and Dad welcome their rolls of nurturing and encouraging their new boisterous babies. They will then turn their focus to around the clock feeding and brooding of their hatchlings keeping them well fed, warm and protected.
Harriet and M15 may appear to be looking and listening and may feel movement and peeps from the chick working to free themselves from the egg. The break out process begins a few days before full emergence from the egg as they move around the interior scoring it with their egg tooth. Rest and a drying out period follows and like magic a fluffy, sweet-faced Eaglet is revealed, “squeeing” their arrival to the world.

Harriet, but mostly M15 will begin to stock up the nest with fish and prey a few days before hatching. Hungry little beaks will be searching for a meal and will eat with voracious appetites. Mom and Dad take their turns feeding as the little ones bob and weave to grab a bite, hence the name ”bobblehead”. Gaining strength to control their fuzzy little heads takes a few days for them. Once out of their shells, they will sprout up like weeds well on their journey with incredible parents to guide them and keep them safe. Anticipation grows as all countdown the last few days to hatching. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
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Video by JCsEagleCottage (from SWFEC cameras)
- Wed 12/04/2019.. SWFL Eagles.. M15 casting a pellet while incubating the eggs http://bit.ly/2PfTBAr
Video by Lady Hawk (from SWFEC cameras)
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