Harriet and M15 spent countless hours protecting and incubating their cherished Eggs. They each took long breaks away from their nest duties possibly knowing that hatch time was approaching. They may also have sensed their workload will ramp up once eaglets arrive. Feeding and tending to their growing babies requires a lot of energy. M15 made sure the pantry was stocked with fish in anticipation of the new arrivals.

Harriet and M15 have realized their reward as E14 began the hatching process and completely emerged from the shell on December 19, 2019 at 12:03 pm. M15 was incubating at the time of the hatch and even took the half shell out of the nest. Once dried and fluffed up, E14 was raring to go and peeping away. Harriet came to the nest to see her sweet E14 and offered bites of fish. After a few wobbly, attempts E14 took in their first meal. Dad was eager to help feed the Little One, too. Mom and Dad both tenderly care for E14 and their precious egg together. E14 is feisty and focused on Mom and Dad’s actions, Eagle Eyes in the making.

Harriet and M15 are exemplary parents to their offspring and devoted partners to each other, sharing all the responsibilities for their family. They both have added sticks and grasses for the nest. Harriet hunted and delivered prey and M15 had tremendous success hunting and fishing. M15 fed Harriet as she kept E14 and the Egg shielded from rainy conditions. They both vocally warned a Sub-Adult Eagle flying too close to the nest tree. They weathered the passing storms and maintained security for their priceless cargo. As of this writing, all are awaiting the hatching of Egg 2. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Hatching Videos
Video by JCsEagleCottage
- SWFL Eagles.. Yay, we have a pip! E14 is on its way.. https://youtu.be/WlkVMZMAwkc
- Wed 12/18/2019 SWFL Eagles Mom finally gives us a peek at hatching E14 https://youtu.be/redoP7s-Tqk
- Thursday 12/19/19.. SWFL Eagles.. Yay, E14 has hatched! https://youtu.be/n_QtJsccrDI
- Thursday 12/19/2019 All cuteness together at hatch day of E14 https://youtu.be/fE7f0UHzQIA
Video by Lady Hawk (SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ WE HAVE A PIP!! It Is OFFICIAL!! 💕 E14 EGG TOOTH SEEN! 12.18.19 https://youtu.be/a7wr8hmw5-Q
- SWFL Eagles ~ E14 Hatching in Progress!! Harriet Gives Us A Peek!! 💖 12.18.19 https://youtu.be/JQwMcwkv7hg
- SWFL Eagles ~ WELCOME TO THE WORLD E14! ♥♥ Official Hatch! XOXO 12.19.19 https://youtu.be/Ep9a_xRoHs8
- SWFL Eagles ~ E14 Takes a TUMBLE & Falls Over!! SLOMO! ~ Harriet Offers FIRST Bite! 12.19.19 https://youtu.be/Q91xaJfqt9w
- SWFL Eagles ~ SO ADORABLE!! 💞 E14’s FIRST Feeding By Mom!! Dad OFFERS To Help! 12.19.19 https://youtu.be/q2Kjl409IPk
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- H & M Take Their First Incubation Breaks In The Pasture 12-10-19 https://youtu.be/X3x2LoBPqTQ
- Beautiful Sunrise ~ H & M Switch “Nest Duty” Twice.. Wow! They’re In Sync 12-13-19 https://youtu.be/5vIQpEO_jAs
- H&M “Meet” In The West Pasture & M Goes Fishing During “Nest Duty” 12-16-19 https://youtu.be/g1Byvc6lzxE
- Video by JCsEagleCottage12/04/2019 SWFL Eagle M15 joins mom at the pond.. https://youtu.be/i4WglpH0hQk
- Tuesday 12/10/2019 SWFL Eagle M15 to the pond after delivering a fish to the nest https://youtu.be/5yMH1tNbEJM
- Tuesday 12/10/2019.. Harriet calls M to the snag for a COG.. https://youtu.be/Iq2TQ3pwEgo
- Wed 12/11/2019 SWFL Eagle M15 wants to incubate.. https://youtu.be/_bXv-FF8AUY
- Sat 12/14/2019.. SWFL Eagle M15 dealing with the rain, with a puddle on his tail.. https://youtu.be/zkod0jKnb4Y
- December 16, 2019 SWFL Eagle Harriet; Close up on her beak, and rolling the eggs.. https://youtu.be/0zBalRsT-yc
- Friday 12/20/2019 SWFL Eagles.. Beware of too much of cuteness.. https://youtu.be/SBzP_tUwIDQ
- Sat 12/21/2019.. SWFL Eagles.. Feedings & more cuteness.. 2 days old E14 https://youtu.be/lzOklbagJw8
- Sat 12/21/2019 SWFL Eagles.. Dad passing on bites of fish to mom, and mom to E14.. https://youtu.be/EBuEWQPVVSA
Video by Lady Hawk (SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ AWESOME M15 ~ Flight To Pond To Join Harriet Taking A Bath! CLOSEUPS & SLOMO! 12.4.19 https://youtu.be/MRbdL7EXcfM
- SWFL Eagles ~ Hilarious!! Harriet Foots M15 ~ But He Would Rather Incubate the EGGS! 12.8.19 https://youtu.be/is_1fJCTwEI
- SWFL Eagles ~ Queen Harriet’s BEAUTIFUL Brood Patch! Egg Views & Fish Lunch 12.9.19 https://youtu.be/3W-Wsbz-Ddo
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers Wet Grasses ~ Smears Egg #1 With Muddy Talons! 12.9.19 https://youtu.be/Z5Ey5saS-ao
- SWFL Eagles ~ EXTREME Closeups Of Harriet, M15 & Eggs!! One Day Closer To Hatching ♥ 12.13.19 https://youtu.be/R5yI0lnN4Ok
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 DIVES & CATCHES FISH In Pond! Closeups Of Eggs Looking For Pip 12.16.19 https://youtu.be/VCRHZWFXYU0
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 STOCKS The Pantry w/ FISH In Anticipation Of E14 Hatching! 🐠 12.18.19 https://youtu.be/OayuDNHI4F8
- SWFL Eagles ~ It’s Daddy’s Turn!! M15 Feeds Breakfast To E14! XOXO ♥♥12.20.19 https://youtu.be/7qIonUO2ZBQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ CUTENESS OVERLOAD!! E14 Nips At Dad’s Feathers Wanting Out Of Basement! 12.20.19
- https://youtu.be/ooFxvzGjw68
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Very *PRECIOUS *MOMENT!! Harriet & M15 Both Feed Little E14 💖 12.20.19 https://youtu.be/iXe1e6QmNSc
- SWFL Eagles ~ ADORABLE CLOSE-UPS!! 💞 Harriet & M15 STUFF E14! Big Crop! Day 2 💞 12.21.19 https://youtu.be/T55vnQgR9Es
- SWFL Eagles ~ TRUE LOVE & DEVOTION!!! XOXO 💖 M15 Feeds His Lady Harriet – She Feeds E14! 12.21.19 https://youtu.be/GXEuk1EZ9RM
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Is SUPER MOMBRELLA!! Protecting E14 From Rain! Feeds Multiple Times! 12.22.19 https://youtu.be/4qZsto6qxgQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M15 ALERT!! Juvie Flying Overhead! GUARD & PROTECT E14! 12.22.19 https://youtu.be/uncCzsJk4qA