The Bald Eagle has long been celebrated by humankind for their strength, wisdom, hope, courage, and loyalty. They have been held in reverence by many religions and cultures as an integral part of their traditions and spirituality. Magnificent flights take the Eagle to the highest heights among and above the clouds. This ability has been believed to create balance in their lives, allowing powerful vision while keeping a strong connection to the earth. Their survival commands them to live life in the moment and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. They fearlessly focus on the continuation of their species and are deeply devoted to their mates and offspring.

E14 was a bright and joyful addition to Harriet and M15’s world, and over these few short weeks captured the hearts of all. E14 was an intelligent and energetic Eaglet with a lot to peep about. Harriet and M15 took exceptional care of their cherished baby. In the blink of an eye, it became obvious that E14 sustained an injury resulting in blood loss. Harriet stood by E14 on the nest and M15 checked on them every so often. It seemed as if they knew something was not quite right with their precious little one. E14 made the final journey to the Great Eagle Spirit in the early morning hours on Wednesday, January 15. Soar strong and brave through the Heavenly realm to watch over us all, E14. Tribute to E14 by dadsjazz
In Memory of E3, E5 and beloved Ozzie

Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- Harriet & M15.. A Bond So Strong, Breathtaking To Watch 01-16-20