Harriet and M15 have been working diligently, fortifying their nest with many branches and sticks over the weeks. The Nesting Season has taken a new direction after E14 passed away and their Egg 2 didn’t hatch. This part of their journey is unknown and each day presents new lessons. There is some documentation of nests where Eagles laid a new clutch after eggs or very young hatchlings were lost. The time frame for more eggs ranged from about 2 to 5 weeks after the loss. Harriet and M15 are approaching the end of this period, but there is still no sure indication of what will or won’t happen.
These are some thoughts and observations: at first, they were only bringing sticks not soft nesting materials. They then started to arrive with moss and grasses. M15 was not getting in the nest bowl. M15 began digging in and lying in the bowl, testing the fit. Food was not being delivered as much. Then prey and fish began showing up more and more. They engage in frequent bonding and mating, they stay close to each other, and Harriet has been dominating and demanding. Harriet lay in the nest overnight under the full moon and also stood in the nest for a long while several times. All watched intently and wondered if Harriet was laying an egg. She then rose up from the nest and fooled us as she has before. Many of these behaviors are usually observed before egg laying in October and November.
Harriet and M15 are dealing with the sudden end to their Season. They are programmed to take what life throws at them and carry on, which is crucial to their survival. They have intense devotion and dedication to each other and a strong desire to procreate. We have a remarkable window with intimate views of their daily activities. We have no idea what the coming days will bring. All hope is for the very best life for this beloved Eagle Pair. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.

Video Highlights
Ground video by wskrsnwings
- A Strong Bond: H & M Share Breakfast & Add Sticks To The Nest 02-04-20 https://youtu.be/GV9x6Oiz5p4
- Amazing Flights “Large Sticks-Gusty Winds” & Close-Ups Of Closeness 02-06-20 https://youtu.be/1d86xCdDvTs
- A Full Moon.. H & M Bonding.. Egrets Courting? E14’s Pretty Memorial 02-11-20 https://youtu.be/WzP_027aurk
- Sub Adult Visits & Entertains.. H & M: 2 Matings/2 Sticks/1 Breakfast 02-14-20 https://youtu.be/tuhfC3teEms
Video by JCsEagleCottage (from SWFEC cameras)
- Sunday Feb 02 02 2020. SWFL Eagles.. Both back and forth to the nest and attic. https://youtu.be/RxOiWBfFHJQ
- Sunday Feb 02 02 2020. SWFL Eagles.. M getting the kick after his fish meal. https://youtu.be/Ptry3ofVLpY
- Sunday 02 02 2020 SWFL Eagles.. Fish for Mom while M is replacing sticks, close up of H & M.. https://youtu.be/NIiF5_s9dxw
- Monday 02/03/2020 SWFL Eagles.. Close up of M, adding sticks and a fish for Harriet.. https://youtu.be/NMwbK7VwCgs
- Monday Feb 03 2020. SWFL Eagles.. https://youtu.be/g9OCM8um36M
- Thursday Feb 06 2020. SWFL Eagles.. M, this one is too big! https://youtu.be/W3nLf0D0cVI
- Sat Feb 08 2020.. SWFL Eagles.. Extreme close up of our gorgeous Harriet.. https://youtu.be/olm3rwoO2Lg
- Sunday Feb 09 2020. SWFL Eagles.. Harriet settles for a second night on the nest.. https://youtu.be/gypjkVEst-o
- Wed Feb 12 2020, SWFL Eagles.. M out in the field for a stick and close up of our beautiful Harriet.. https://youtu.be/vobhwqTkwZE
- Thursday Feb 13 2020, SWFL Eagles.. Beautiful Woodpecker & closeups of M.. https://youtu.be/sNtHNMMhYqQ
Video by Lady Hawk (from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ Power Couple In Action! FOUR Matings! M15 Lies In Nest & Stick Deliveries 2.3.20 https://youtu.be/cuc0314ly6Q
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Man Of The Hour! Brings In Fish For His Lady! Closeups & Moonlit Rendezvous 2.3.2020 https://youtu.be/iaeeLI9Jg8w
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet ~ Strong, Brave, & Beautiful Queen Of Southwest Florida 2.4.20 https://youtu.be/iX_sBTr6Ngw
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M15 Are On Fire! Hilarious Stick Wars, Discussions & Bonding! 2.5.20 https://youtu.be/WI_abcBlnqA
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In Huge Mossy Stick! Gets Caught On Attic Branch! 2.6.20 https://youtu.be/tNO-ylxTypo
- SWFL Eagles ~ Windswept Gorgeous Harriet! Fluff, Sticks, Mating & Foot Action! Closeups! 2.8.20 https://youtu.be/8fzOURack_I
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet On The Nest Two Night In A ROW! Is this A SIGN She Will Re-Clutch? 2.9.20 https://youtu.be/s52_HFFOmqk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Keeping Busy & Staying Strong! Nest Work, Bonding & E14’s Memorial 2.10.2020 https://youtu.be/3TRgGf6UWBA
- SWFL Eagles ~ Funny Stick-capades Featuring Harriet & M15!! Never Enough Lumber! 2.10.2020 https://youtu.be/Xf9_i84z1kI
- SWFL Eagles ~ Freebird~ Harriet & M15 BREATHTAKING Coverage!! Flying & Soaring Free! 2.11.20 https://youtu.be/JuKiSN_8QhY
- SWFL Eagles ~ Horses Wading & Having Fun Splashing In Pond! 2.11.2020 https://youtu.be/2pUClmAO2V0
- SWFL Eagles ~ Isn’t She Lovely! Beautiful Harriet Closeups Bonding & Foot Action! 2.12.20 https://youtu.be/JY9HlB4ok-Y
- SWFL Eagles ~ Will You Be Mine? M15 Delivers Fish For His Sweetheart Harriet! 2.14.20 https://youtu.be/-eFQ0-sNFa4