Harriet and M15 have their work cut out keeping E15 and E16’s needs met as they approach 2 weeks old. Harriet did her share bringing fish and prey to the nest. M15 used his hunting skills to provide food for hungry Eaglets. There were interesting items delivered to the nest including a pet toy squirrel that Harriet mistook for real. The de-furring never ended in anything but fluffy stuffing. M15 seemed to want to offer it food while the E15 and E16 climbed over and snuggled with it. All seemed perplexed with the belated April Fool.

Harriet and M15 have been especially cautious in keeping their territory secure. With the warm weather E15 and E16 are exposed in the nest as Harriet or M15 stand by to offer shade or quick cover for protection. Inquisitive Eaglets have explored the nest and ventured to the railings for a peek at the world and a nap where it is breezy and cooler. E15 and E16 are typical nestmates with older E15 being more dominant. E16 has learned that ducking and dodging bigger sibling works out well. Waiting until E15 is fed makes easier mealtimes for E16. Their sparring sessions will even out as soon as E16 catches up in size. Toughness, courage, and craftiness are essential lessons for young raptors to learn. Their survival depends on it.
Harriet and M15 relish in their efforts at this second chance to rear a Family. They are perfectly in-tune with each other and their responsibilities. M15 displays his eagerness to join in the feedings, and at times feeds Harriet who in turn feeds the Eaglets. Harriet trusts M15 to care for E15 and E16 while she is off on her free time. Harriet remains on the nest to tuck their Babies in and M15 stands guard over his precious Family on the treetop perch overnight. E15 and E16 will continue to eat, sleep and grow under the watchful eyes of exceptional Eagle Parents. Nest Notes by dadsjazzHeader photo wskrsnwings from SWFEC camera
Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- H & M Show Loving Care For Their Miracles: E15/6 days & E16/4 days 04-06-20 https://youtu.be/z1sF0_vwGGc
- We See The E’s Over The Crib Rails!! Dad Feeds Both Well 04-10-20 https://youtu.be/gQGwMuYK-q8
Video by JCsEagleCottage (from SWFEC cameras)
- Friday 04/03/2020.. SWFL Eagles.. Two hungry beaks.. https://youtu.be/YFe-2gg1-yE
- Friday 04/03/2020.. SWFL Eagles.. Feeding and extreme close up on the E’s.. https://youtu.be/1Y-LF80KdmI
- Sunday 04/05/2020.. SWFL Eagles.. Great feeding and E16 goes belly up.. https://youtu.be/xL8tBprJ5qU
- Sunday 04/05/2020 .. SWFL Eagles.. 5 days old E15 crawls out of the nest bowl for food..! https://youtu.be/Cte44z3JhTA
- Sunday 04/05/2020 .. SWFL Eagles.. Cuteness overload https://youtu.be/kbI-kA_MLg8
- Tuesday 04/07/2020.. SWFL Eagles.. Dad in with a squirrel after mom bringing in a stuffed squirrel! https://youtu.be/YQAV5g_giQs
- Wednesday 04/08/2020 SWFL Eagles.. Lots of sunrise activities.. https://youtu.be/qlo8LnqddL4
- Thursday 4/9/2020 SWFL Eagles.. Our sweet babies at 9 & 6 days old.. https://youtu.be/PPyoPa9M6Ug
Video by Lady Hawk (from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ Breakfast For The Bobbleheads! 💕 Harriet Feeds E15 & E16! 4.3.2020 https://youtu.be/I-suBywKBFA
- SWFL Eagles ~ BOBBLEHEAD BONKFEST!!! Let The Bonking Begin! 😃 Feisty E16 Starts It!! 4.3.20 https://youtu.be/2LyY7YBvROc
- SWFL Eagles ~ Amazing DUAL Feeding! Harriet Feeds E15 & M15 Feeds E16! 4.3.20 https://youtu.be/UWuHJzjhB80
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Nice Feeding For E16!! Harriet Feeds Both Babies! Full Crops & Food Comas! 4.3.20 https://youtu.be/PxlAyw1ibQE
- SWFL Eagles ~ Hilarious! E16 Bonks E15! Watch E15 Retaliate & Bonk Dad Instead! SLOMO! 4.4.20 https://youtu.be/AzGskX7KK9o
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Offers Prized Fish Eyeball To E16! Down The Hatch It Goes! 😂🙈 4.4.20 https://youtu.be/NSng9aV5LZU
- SWFL Eagles ~ BOTTOM’S UP!1 E16 Takes A Tumble & Falls Over! 😂 😍 SLOMO! 4.5.20 https://youtu.be/HW3cZo6E1sY
- SWFL Eagles ~ We Have An ESCAPEE! E15 Climbs Out Of Nest Bowl First Time At 5 DAYS OLD! 4.5.20 https://youtu.be/CecO0TqUw5M
- SWFL Eagles ~ Both E’s Behave!! Nice Peaceful Feeding By Dad – Full Crops & Food Comas! 4.5.20 https://youtu.be/qiKgsiV7UJE
- SWFL Eagles ~ TOTAL CUTENESS!! 😂 💕 E16 Rolls Over Into Bowl & Sleeps Upside Down! XOXO! 4.6.20 https://youtu.be/YTTo6nr-pJE
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Steals Fish From Osprey – Offers Bites To Harriet! Harriet Flips E16 Over! 4.6.20 https://youtu.be/EwlLbrRiPeM
- SWFL Eagles ~ BONKFEST CONTINUES! 😂 E16 Gets Wing Whacked By E15! Dad Lays Stick On E16 Too! 4.6.20 https://youtu.be/gxrHxXN1CT0
- SWFL Eagles ~ THIS IS NUTS!! 😂 Harriet Brings In STUFFED SQUIRREL TOY ANIMAL To Nest! 4.7.20 https://youtu.be/c6MIB1wgMSU
- SWFL Eagles ~ Perfect Timing! M15 Delivers *REAL* Squirrel & Feeds Harriet! She Feeds The E’s 💕 4.7.20 https://youtu.be/HcyrQeUdr6w
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Serves Up Squirrel-ghetti To The E’s! Supper Time For Entire Family! 4.7.20 https://youtu.be/QnxHLRfwN0M
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Brings In Live Fish!! 🐟 FLOPS On Top Of E’s! E16 Gets To Eat First! 4.8.20 https://youtu.be/XO02RprphSA
- SWFL Eagles ~ So Adorable! It’s SNUGGLE TIME! E15 & E16 Cuddle w/Stuffed Toy Squirrel & One Another 💕 4.9.20 https://youtu.be/U0mOiyYBB_g
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Gives E16 A Great Bedtime Feeding! 💖 Beautiful Close-ups & Full Crops! 4.9.20 https://youtu.be/yFGYXRKF0JM
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Steals Fish From Great Blue Heron! Brings Back To Nest & Feeds The E’s! 💖💕 4.9.20 https://youtu.be/R0bWV41CnQk
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Bonk By E15 & A Stretch By Dad Causes E16 To Take a Tumble Backwards! 4.9.20 https://youtu.be/YpxJeIzol7A
- SWFL Eagles ~ ADORABLE Close-ups Of SWEET E16! 💕💖💕 E16 Tiny Talons Holding On To Mom’s Foot! 4.10.20 https://youtu.be/mTKSUlDDc9M
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings Cattle Egret To Nest & Feeds E15 & E16! 4.10.2020 https://youtu.be/rLjWPI5eVzQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ CUTENESS OVERLOAD!! Highlights of E15 & E16 Sleeping On The Rails! 4.10.20 https://youtu.be/B2RnLZs5nhk
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 & E16 ~ Counting Cars & Checking Out The World Below From The Nest Rails! 4.11.20 https://youtu.be/EKcf4qVajZw
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Gives MARATHON Long Feeding! Both E’s STUFFED w/ Full Crops & Food Comas! 4.11.20 https://youtu.be/gIGxV5gtdB4
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Mother’s Love! Harriet Gives E16 A Nice Feeding Before Bed! 💕💖💕 4.11.20 https://youtu.be/aiO0zKy4jys
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Serves EASTER BRUNCH To The E’s!! 🐟 😍 Great Feeding For E16! 💕 Lays On Fish 4.12.20 https://youtu.be/DRdAm_MdAu8