Harriet and M15 focus on the constant care of their lively Eaglets. The rate at which E15 and E16 are growing requires a great amount of nutrition to fuel their sprouting bodies. Hatching just about 3 short weeks ago, E15 and E16 weighed about 2 ounces and were around 3 inches tall. Darker thermal down feathers have mostly replaced their natal down allowing them to regulate their body temperatures. They gain around 5 ounces per day, are about 1 foot tall and close to 3 pounds. Pin feathers start to emerge on wing tips. E16 is a few days behind larger older E15 but is catching up as both are growing by leaps and bounds.
Harriet and M15 spend countless hours hunting for fish and prey to satisfy their Eaglets voracious appetites. They have been snagging an occasional fish from Anhingas, Ospreys, and Great Blue Herons who fish their pond. Eagles never pass up an opportunity to steal other animals catches. E15 being the dominant of the two eagerly steps up for the first bites of food. E16 bides their time and sneaks in for the steal to get a good share of the meal. Both have become smart and strong as their once wobbly little bodies scoot around the nest, pick up sticks and nesting and peer over nest rails. They spent an overnight alone in the nest while Harriet and M15 perched above ever watchful. E15 and E16 begin exercising with little wing flaps building up muscles for future flights. Their many naps throughout the day enhance their growth spurt.
Harriet and M15 devote their time and energy all for the welfare of their priceless E15 and E16. Mom and Dad imprint upon them many tools and behaviors that will help them flourish and grow into bright majestic young Eagles. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- The E’s Are Active At The Rails After Eating Nestovers & Fresh Fish 04-15-20 https://youtu.be/cIkK8AEIlw4
Video by JCsEagleCottage (from SWFEC cameras)
- Tuesday 04/14/2020 SWFL Eagles.. Sweet E15 & E16 at 14 & 11 days old.. https://youtu.be/3nJ5oLFLKNQ
- Wed 04/15/2020.. SWFL Eagles.. A great breakfast for both E’s.. https://youtu.be/rOLGbFPF77k
- Friday 04/17/2020.. SWFL Eagles.. Sweet E16 the Tumbler.. https://youtu.be/Sh0P5N9j20Y
- Saturday 04/18/2020.. SWFL Eagles.. 18 & 15 days old E15 & E16 moving sticks, flopping wings & bonding.. 😃 https://youtu.be/zZveZcvOQ2w
Video by Lady Hawk (from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ Great Teamwork! DUAL FEEDING Of E’s By Harriet & M15! 4.12.20 https://youtu.be/oVvoaaqsuLg
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Gives E16 A Good Feeding Before Bed! Full Crop & Sweet Tuck In! ♥ ♥ 4.13.20 https://youtu.be/284mtOOVAso
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 LAYS On Top Of E16!! Uses Sibling As A Crop Pillow! https://youtu.be/klcpjf70Gp0
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Feeds E16 Squirrel For Supper! 😋 4.14.20 https://youtu.be/M3Pga2NVO0A
- SWFL Eagles ~ Awesome M15 CATCHES Fish in Pond & Feeds Both E’s!! 4.15.2020 https://youtu.be/NTItnxOsAG0
- SWFL Eagles ~ E16’s Revenge! Does a BIG PS Right On E15’s Back! 😂 SLOMO! 4.15.20 https://youtu.be/_Vcwy-bd0Ho
- SWFL Eagles ~ Evening Feeding With Mom & Dad!! E16’s Crop Just Keeps Growing & Growing! 💕💕 4.16.20 https://youtu.be/TM_rbx53Br8
- SWFL Eagles ~ BONKFEST Resumes! E16 Bonks E15!! Both E’s Pick Up & Move Sticks! 4.17.20 https://youtu.be/qvA-EbdaPU4
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers Opossum! Great Feeding For Both E’s, Big Bites & Full Crops! 4.17.20 https://youtu.be/2vgN_5rgy8U
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Gives GREAT PRIVATE FEEDING To E16! Take A Look At That Huge Crop!! 4.17.20 https://youtu.be/jp6GMAjLK4c
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sweet E16! TINY WINGS & BIG DREAMS 💕 💖💕 Two Week Old Cuteness & Tumbles! 4.17.20 https://youtu.be/5HAJionXzy0
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Steals A Fish & E16 Swallows The Tail! Sibling Talons & Pin Feathers 4.18.20 https://youtu.be/N-HdWIwBTC0
- SWFL Eagles ~ PAYBACK TIME!! E16 Shoots Double PS’s All Over E15’s Back & Face!! LOL 4.18.20 https://youtu.be/AhgGuc_rJq0
- SWFL Eagles ~ Baby Beak Kisses! E15 Gives A Little Sidekick To E16! Grabs Dad’s Messy Talon! 4.18.20 https://youtu.be/dYS2ewPtQPM