E15 and E16 are nearing the time for them to each make their way to discover the world. They have keen instincts and are well schooled in ways of Eagle life. They have been engaging and sharpening skills over the weeks and seem ready for new experiences. They keep a close watch for Harriet and M15 and an eye on each other just in case a meal is brought in. They have learned that Eagles and other birds may lead them to prey where they will have to use their unique ways of stealing the food and keeping it. These behaviors will be important elements for their survival in the wild.

Harriet and M15 are mostly absent from the pasture throughout the day hours allowing E15 and E16 to fend for themselves. E15 and E16 explored places in the territory and spent a lot of time at the pond cove area during the afternoon heat. Their environment has provided them with many different scenarios. They frolic in and out of the water picking up things along the pond bank. The trees and snags in the territory give them a good advantage for sight or places for shelter. Harriet and M15 flew in to perch with them in a front pine tree as strong winds blew through the area. All the comforts of home will soon be a memory as E15 and E16 grow restless and heed their desire to roam.
Harriet and M15 are still providing for E15 and E16 while in the process of recouping from an especially taxing Season. After the loss of precious E14 and Egg 2 not hatching, they did not concede. They persevered and fulfilled their primary purpose of bringing new life into the Eagle world. E15 and E16 learn the lessons well, use their skills and instincts, and are ready to proceed to the next parts of their journeys. There are no doubts that E15 and E16 will excel in their travels to discovery and majesty. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- E16 Is The Energetic Juvie Today- Break/Carry Stick & Beak/Talon Transfer 07-27-20 https://youtu.be/vKzTzSA2Rx4
- E16 On Lookout For Breakfast & M Keeps Them On Their Toes 07-29-20 https://youtu.be/gRnv7R5mgko
- E16 (120 days) Loves Sticks~Breaks & Flies With Them 07-31-20 https://youtu.be/U5UpjukFC24
- Both E’s Active: Flying To Pasture Trees, Hopping Branches & Vying For Food 07-31-20 https://youtu.be/s-3dEhsrJG8
Video by JCsEagleCottage
- Monday 7/27/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Got it! 😊 https://youtu.be/d_AaazuiMoc
- Monday 7/27/2020~SWFL Eagles.. 118 days old beautiful E15.. https://youtu.be/SCWsBXJ9STw
- Thursday 7/30/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E16 practicing cord dancing on a string of lights. https://youtu.be/zpenZt1ngl4
- Thursday 7/30/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E15’s funny faces, E16 showing off.. https://youtu.be/F2Io5foXLKg
- Saturday 8/1/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E16 going after a Turkey Vulture.. 😊 https://youtu.be/CwAQnAuw5YA
- Sat 8/1/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Both E’s taking a nice bath.. 😊 https://youtu.be/A6Davd4PrcM
- Sunday 8/2/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Hangout out in cam 2 tree.. 😊 https://youtu.be/klgr2aR9RC8
- Sunday 8/2/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Beautiful sunset at the pines.. 😊
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers Armadillo! E15 Claims It & Pushes Dad Off Nest – Flies To Pond! 7.27.20 https://youtu.be/Y6-5Td4Q7SU
- SWFL Eagles ~ ADORABLE & SWEET E16 💕 Close-ups On The Attic 7.27.20 https://youtu.be/GrQrIFg3TCY
- SWFL Eagles ~ E16 Balances On A STRING OF LIGHTS! Pulling Plants & Having Fun On Stump! 7.29.20 https://youtu.be/KOqxkq07-9k
- SWFL Eagles ~ Food Battle At The Pond! M15 Delivers Cattle Egret & A Small Fish! 7.29.20 https://youtu.be/LDDYYEHc0tw
- SWFL Eagles ~ Majestic E16!! 💕 Celebrating 17 Weeks Old! 7.30.20 https://youtu.be/24olIttK_lM
- SWFL Eagles ~ The Cute Faces Of E15! Soaring The Skies With E16! 7.30.20 https://youtu.be/MJPTn4CXMGE
- SWFL Eagles ~ E16 Chases A Vulture Soaring Over The Pature! 8.1.20 https://youtu.be/iH_0S2Q_JQ8
- SWFL Eagles ~ E16 Splash & Soak Bath Time! Two Rumbles At The Pond With E15! 8.1.20 https://youtu.be/UjKzkfGZ3Nc
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 Pond Princess!! Enjoys A Bath & Soak At The Pond! 💕8.1.20 https://youtu.be/wVh0I-hDF9A
- SWFL Eagles ~ STUNNING Coverage Of E15 On Old Cam Tree! Pulling & Tearing Up The Vines! 8.2.20 https://youtu.be/gy6rG4Z6MrE
Header photo Desiree Deliz