E15 and E16 grew more independent over the week preparing for the journey ahead. They sought out new sights soaring far and high on the thermals and sailing through the clouds. Although they have become less tolerant of each other, they spent the morning perched on the pylons at the pond. They took in the sights and swooped the ducks. A while later E16 flew to the nest tree for possibly one last look. E16 took off on a long winding flight around the territory eventually disappearing into the Southeast skies. E16 may have departed for new horizons and was last seen on 8-08-2020.

E15 remained in the area watching for Mom or Dad and a meal. At this point, Harriet is mostly disinterested but M15 will still provide food. E15 roosted overnight at Yonder Pond and played along the ground there in the morning. E15 took a beautiful flight toward the Southwest and back to the area. E15 then flew again toward the South climbing higher into the great beyond. If neither brave and bold Juvenile returns in a few days, they have indeed responded to the call of the wild. The world is theirs to explore on the adventures of their lifetimes. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- “Eagle AirBnB” – The E’s Watch & Fly Early For Breakfast Away With H & M 08-03-20 https://youtu.be/_i_sHa7LdKs
- Both E’s Active In The Pasture: Curious & Comical & Contrary 08-05-20 https://youtu.be/6ze2_YXCssE
- E15 Has The Run Of The Pasture And We Get To Watch 08-07-20 https://youtu.be/y6Y60afLKAI
- Is This Our Last Morning With E15… So Playfully Confident 08-10-20 https://youtu.be/6mYcSO4kb2w
Video by JCsEagleCottage
- Monday 8/3/2020~SWFL Eagles.. A fish for each, and proud parents during sunset.. 😊 https://youtu.be/9se0H0JB48w
- Tuesday 8/4/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Fun at the pond with E15.. 😊 https://youtu.be/BDVt-N2g2WI
- Wed 8/5/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E15 with the wind beneath wings, and a stick to the nest.. 😊 https://youtu.be/ZCKnomuJT7Y
- Saturday 8/8/2020 10:12am~SWFL Eagles.. E16 soaring higher and higher into a new adventure.. 🦅 😊 https://youtu.be/N57KLNMsWEo
- Sunday 8/9/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Was this E15’s last visit to the attic..? https://youtu.be/Pp1X6C2tK3Y
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ FISH OVERBOARD! E15 Pushes E16 Off The Spike! Slomo! 8.3.20 https://youtu.be/YxzMg-FDJcU
- SWFL Eagles ~ Entire Family Home Together! Both E’s Get Their Own Fish! E16’s Dramatic Snatch 8.3.20 https://youtu.be/3w_rgwEVRbk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Precious Family Sleeping Under The Full Moon! Harriet Feeds E16 💕 Tug-O-Fish 8.3.20 https://youtu.be/UHQ1pVbM32c
- SWFL Eagles ~ A Day With E15! Checking Out The Pond & Tree Stump! Showing Off Magnificent Wings 8.4.20 https://youtu.be/pTacFdCokVU
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 & E16 **BIG SCUFFLE** On The Veranda! SLOMO! 8.5.20 https://youtu.be/-YddSmK_BUc
- SWFL Eagles ~ E16’s AMAZING STEAL!! Flies off Nest With Fish In Beak! 8.7.20 https://youtu.be/xrr3c6qpAXk
- SWFL Eagles ~ E16 Soaring Higher & Higher! Is This Goodbye? 💕 Special Music Presentation 8.8.20 https://youtu.be/wkK35q_Y5IQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 & E16 Spending One Last Mornin Together! 💕E16 Chases A Duck! 8.8.20 https://youtu.be/6OhHbzcm_pY
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 VISITS The Attic! Beautiful DOUBLE Rainbow Of Promise Over The Nest! 💕 8.9.20 https://youtu.be/G3khJYFhURk