Harriet, M15,
and E15 are involved in an intriguing family dynamic as the Nesting Season
progresses. E15 remains in the area, appears to have staked a claim of the nest,
and shows no signs of leaving. E15
interferes with any efforts to refurbish the nest by treating a stick delivery
as food and rushing in. Harriet has been extremely protective of her prized
nest and tree over the years. Harriet and M15 rebuilt this nest from scratch
when the original collapsed in 2016. So far, they have not deterred or chased E15
away as was thought would happen. Harriet and M15’s dilemma is to resume work on
their nest or construct a secondary nest.

Harriet and
M15 provide a perfect environment and supply a constant food source for E15.
First-year Juvenile Eagles survive by scavenging and stealing food from Adult
Eagles, other birds, and animals. Harriet and M15 continue to bring prey to the
main nest and areas in the pasture. Food drops have been made at the pond and
E15 is on the spot to fight for the meal. Dad and E15 chased each other around
the grassy area at the pond. Dad took off with the fish, gave it to Mom, who
brought it to the nest for E15. Dad brought a turtle to the nest, but it made a
great escape over the edge before E15 could figure out how to eat it.
Harriet and
M15 display signs of proceeding toward a new Season, and keep working on what
is shaping into a sustainable nest in the West pasture snag. Feeding E15 in the
main nest possibly keeps E15 away from the new location. Harriet and M15 have
made their job extra hard keeping up with E15’s demands and carrying out their
goal of having a new family. All of these interactions are interesting observations
in the continuing journey of this amazing Eagle Family. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- E15 Dances On Different Snags & Delivers A Stick To The Nest 10-19-20 https://youtu.be/Lwa-R-puzgc
?A Second Nest Growing? As E15 Grows In Confidence & Beauty 10-22-20 https://youtu.be/7b7B2SUuyZY
Video by JCsEagleCottage
- Sunday 10/18/2020~SWFL Eagles.. M-dad in with a nice stick… https://youtu.be/uVoGEzIbSNE
Monday 10/19/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Close ups, food & moving sticks.. https://youtu.be/Ced0GVPRi28
Wed 10/21/2020 0:21:40am~SWFL Eagles.. E15 gets hit by a GH Owl, luckily, she’s okay! https://youtu.be/qLwIlag-o8U
Thursday 10/22/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Restless night for mom. https://youtu.be/J28dombpshc
Thursday 10/22/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Turtle on board.. https://youtu.be/01DBh9Eo_3A
Thursday 10/22/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Just relaxing after a good meal https://youtu.be/srMow9H79y0
Friday 10/23/2020~SWFL Eagles.. E15 protecting her food, and mom & dad hanging out at the pond.. 😊 https://youtu.be/TOdbIOjym4g
Friday 10/23/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Lots of things going on this evening.. 😊 https://youtu.be/-dLpq68mo1w
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Honey What Are We Going To Do With Our Kid? 💕 😃 😃 💕 10.16.20 https://youtu.be/Pjofzapmk7g
SWFL Eagles ~Bonding On The Attic! 😊 😊 M15 Brings In A Huge Stick! E15 Lands Below Nest! 10.18.20 https://youtu.be/3HeTFM6IXl8
SWFL Eagles ~ E15 Is Dad’s Little Helper! 😊 Moves His Big Stick & Makes A Contribution To Nest 10.19.20 https://youtu.be/i4CigoNdh9Y
- SWFL Eagles ~ E15 HIT BY AN OWL!! Stays On Branch – GHO Returns & Watches E15 From Snag! 10.21.20 https://youtu.be/vn_CgP9g-Mw
SWFL Eagles ~ E15 Hanging Out On Fence & Watching Traffic! Taking Photo Ops & Bath At Pond 💕10.21.20 https://youtu.be/uBG8orHWE2g
SWFL Eagles ~ Ninja Turtle Escapes Overboard From Eagle’s Nest!!! 🐢 🐢 😊 10.22.20 https://youtu.be/smzmsVeoc_A
SWFL Eagles ~ E15 Enjoys Red Meat Lunch Item ~ Possibly Liver! 🐦 Lays In Nest Afterwards 🐦 10.22.20 https://youtu.be/0I1vyv7FohE
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Starting Nestorations Brings In Two Sticks! 😊 E15 Chases Dad Off Nest! 10.23.20 https://youtu.be/iwxLe_4w8cU
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s Fish Gift For E15 💕 Special Evening Together for The Family 💕 10.23.20 https://youtu.be/PiPBzMzCKQg
SWFL Eagles ~ E15 Steals A Fish From Mom! Drops On Lawn! M15 Retrieves & Brings To Harriet 10.23.20 https://youtu.be/zhhKi-d_YtE