Harriet and
M15 started and ended their days at the original nest. They aerated, moved and added some
sticks and nesting. M15 lay in the nest bowl and kicked out the material with
his feet. M15 follows Harriet’s lead as she insists on building Nest 2 in the West
pasture snag tree. He is always watching
for Harriet and catering to her wishes. He delivered food gifts to Harriet in
the original nest and Nest 2, since he was observed removing a pelt from there.
Harriet and M15 are in the process of narrowing the decision of which nest will
be called home for this Season.
Harriet and
M15 have become more territorial as egg-laying time nears. They guarded both
nests and the area when an Adult Eagle flew through the pasture, landing on the
nest tree with them. Warning vocals gave way to M15 chasing the Adult Eagle off
and out of the territory. A beautiful Sub-Adult Eagle perched comfortably in
the nest tree and the Old Cam Tree, escaped the eyes of Harriet and M15, and
eventually flew off. Vultures descended on the nest tree and enjoyed a warm
breezy stay. Many interesting visitors have been in and out of view, including
a Loggerhead Shrike, a juvenile Redheaded Woodpecker, and the usual Starlings
and Crows.
Harriet and
M15 are making great progress in their ultimate purpose. They keep their bond
solid and strong and continue their commitment to each other and their
offspring. As was evident throughout the past year, they never gave up on their
goal. Harriet and M15 take Eagle Life as
it comes and they possess all the elements necessary for a successful Season. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Header photo by wskrsnwings
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- H & M Visit Both Nests ~New Sticks To Nest 2 ~Adorable Stick Discussions 11-10-20 https://youtu.be/3WBlNVcdRzE
- Amazing Stick Gathering Even If A Late Start & Early Quit 11-13-20 https://youtu.be/gj1kpR03Yww
Video by JCsEagleCottage
- Monday 11/09/202~SWFL Eagles.. Harriet & M side by side on the nest after a long busy and busy day.. 💕 https://youtu.be/vtudF8oebFg
Tuesday 11/10/2020~SWFL Eagles.. let’s meet at the main nest at 9am.. 😊 https://youtu.be/6JsHkJIRM7s
Tuesday 11/10/2020~SWFL Eagles.. M delivers fish to his beautiful Harriet.. 💕 https://youtu.be/OIQPkAfbpFM
Wed 11/11/202~SWFL Eagles.. M arrives with prey, followed by H.. 😃 https://youtu.be/t4z-O-Ps8j4
- Thursday 11/12/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Who invited these Turkey Vultures..? 😊 https://youtu.be/TgcewSAbX7A
Thursday 11/12/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Both Harriet & M working on main nest.. 😊 https://youtu.be/Rq17cts54z8
Thursday 11/12/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Moving sticks, mate, and trying out the nest bowl at original nest.. 😊 https://youtu.be/rl4LZ1gVZVg
Friday 11/13/2020~SWFL Eagles.. M and H relaxing after hard work on the main nest.. 😊 https://youtu.be/KRmxm3zMCdQ
Friday 11/13 /2020~SWFL Eagles.. Beautiful sub adult Bald Eagle visits the area.. 😊 https://youtu.be/TECZMlNs3cI
Friday 11/13/2020~SWFL Eagles.. M-dad flushing out intruder from the nest tree.. 😊 https://youtu.be/L64afaKPpGg
Sat 11/14/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Starting up with working on & testing our main nest before lunchtime.. 😊 https://youtu.be/hokbQ8LqAKY
Sunday 11/15/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Morning routine, mating & close up on our beautiful Harriet.. 💕😊 https://youtu.be/EMrVCDTiY3I
Sunday 11/15/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Dynamic couple getting ready for the night.. 💕😊
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ Our Sweet Dad Wants To Test Out The Nest 😊💕 Lies Briefly In It! There Is Hope! 11.8.20 https://youtu.be/_jndjhP54ME
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M15 Working Together To Aerate Nest 💕 M Flies Off To Grab A Stick! 11.10.20 https://youtu.be/YFqFwAziZqg
SWFL Eagles ~ Windswept Harriet ~ A Regal Beauty & Glamour Girl! 💕11.10.20 https://youtu.be/jc7s_w4VryM
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers A Headless Fish Gift For A Loud & Squeeing Harriet! 🐟 😊 💕 11.10.20 https://youtu.be/5hINbStnnGY
SWFL Eagles ~ WE’RE BACK! 😘 Harriet & M Bringing In Sticks & Working Hard On Nest! Very Promising 💕🦅🌳 11.12.20 https://youtu.be/SG84gXnYYJw
SWFL Eagles ~ A Committee Of Black Vultures Visit The Nest Tree! 😊 Black Beauties! 💕 11.12.20 https://youtu.be/uTP7hFwD-SU
SWFL Eagles ~ Evening Rendezvous & Mating On Attic 😊 M Brings Sticks & Fluff & Lies In Nest! 11.12.20 https://youtu.be/EteNt7o3lN4
SWFL Eagles ~ Black Vultures Hanging Out On The Attic! 😊 Beautiful Closeups! 11.13.20 https://youtu.be/FMA5GLqxF2I
SWFL Eagles ~ A Beautiful Sub Adult Visits The Nest & Old Cam Tree! 😊 💕 🐦11.13.20 https://youtu.be/60pHt7tX9Ns
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 & Harriet Defend The Nest! Flushes Adult Eagle Intruder Out Of Nest Tree! 11.13.20 https://youtu.be/Gr1Jt1rcIG8
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Is Our Sweet Nest Potato! 💕 Lies In Nest & Brings Harriet A Squirrel!! 😊 11.14.20 https://youtu.be/3kY8PDm-L5M
SWFL Eagles ~ Radiant Sun-kissed Harriet💕 Bonding 💕 M Brings In A Big Stick & Lies In Nest 11.15.20 https://youtu.be/U2hEE3kXuA0
SWFL Eagles ~ Great Teamwork Moving Sticks! Harriet Pulls Up Grasses & Bonding Before Bed 😊 11.15.20 https://youtu.be/lU8FU-iRwLs