Harriet and
M15 concentrated their efforts on their original nest over the week. It
seems as if they have chosen it to keep as the home for their new family. M15
worked at record speed bringing in sticks for the rails and soft material for
the bowl. He tests out the nest bowl regularly and adjusts the amount of fluff
needed. Harriet perched on the attic branch, gave orders, and dropped into the
nest to add her touches. Their frequent bonding is a sure sign that Eggs are on the way soon.
Harriet and
M15 began the early mornings perched in the nest tree. After working on
renovations, M15 would dash off on the hunt for food. He came through as the
master provider delivering three prey items in one day for ravenous Harriet. He keeps his Lady well nourished. They remained close by throughout the days and
roosted together overnight in the nest tree. The home front is kept secure and
intruder free as they offer unwanted visitors a vocal warning and an escort out
of the area. Harriet flew off to “yell” at the neighbor Eagle perched on the
edge of the property. Harriet and M15 are extra sensitive and territorial at
this time as they prepare for coming events.
Harriet and
M15 have experienced a year of many twists and turns as one Season evolved into
another. They adapted to Eagle life and persevered through the challenges. Their
work together as a finely tuned pair will enable them to forge onward. Harriet
and M15’s unbreakable commitment to each other ensures their survival and that
of their future offspring. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- Team H & M Rebuilding Nest1 Plus Breakfast ~A Great Sight To See 11-25-20 https://youtu.be/fPx4i3Byry4
M15 Is A Tireless Nest Renovator & Harriet Is His Best Cheerleader 11-27-20 https://youtu.be/4BKH5y3-GMY
Video by JCsEagleCottage (captured from SWFEC cameras)
- Monday 11/23/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Waking up with still intruders in the tree & M busy working on nest.. https://youtu.be/UhLpzEJXzro
Monday 11/23/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Opossum definitely by M.. 🦅 😊 https://youtu.be/q-ZFw-FEZ5Y
Monday 11/23/2020~SWFL Eagles.. M back with a stick, finishing the Opossum with H in upper branch. 🙂 https://youtu.be/OGZ-R5J-P8c
Monday 11/23/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Sweet Eagle Dreams.. 😴 https://youtu.be/jOc8y2-XH20
Tuesday 11/24/2020~SWFL Eagles.. M in with interesting nesting material.. 🦅😊 https://youtu.be/Qx33f8qOzXY
Tuesday 11/24/2020~SWFL Eagles.. M soaring the skies after a brief visit to original nest.. 😊 https://youtu.be/uKlmYUaO4zA
Tuesday 11/24/2020~SWFL Eagles.. M nibbles Harriet’s tail, and H kicks M’s butt.. Good to be home.. 😊 https://youtu.be/pxRO0hF8RjY
Wednesday 11/25/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Don’t stop.. 😊 https://youtu.be/PS7l5xyWpbQ
Wednesday 11/25/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Such a great teamwork, and a fish as reward.. 😊 https://youtu.be/bRlRVEB27cY
- Thursday 11/26/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Both home again.. Mating, moving sticks, resting on the nest.. 😊 https://youtu.be/4B5kN0x3LJs
Thursday 11/26/2020~SWFL Eagles.. Busy Love Birds.. 😘😘 https://youtu.be/1X25WyCrnz0
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sharing Is Caring! 😊💕 Harriet Shares Her Rabbit Brunch With Her Honey! 😊💕11.22.20 https://youtu.be/L2VRhS2wwu4
SWFL Eagles ~ Mating In Front Of The Juvie Visitor 💕😊 More Sticks & Fluff! M15 Lies In Nest 11.23.20 https://youtu.be/_V1yZxxI4LM
- SWFL Eagles ~ M Brings In Scary Looking Opossum 😊 Harriet Eats & M Takes Remainder Off Nest 11.23.20 https://youtu.be/04umxPB0mEg
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M15 Our Dynamic Duo💕 Strong. Dedicated & Committed To One Another 💕 11.23.20 https://youtu.be/s4Chu-5KriE
SWFL Eagles ~ Bigger Is Better! M15 Brings Harriet A Huge Dried Palm Frond As A Gift! 😊💕 11.24.20 https://youtu.be/9PhKRtpB4mM
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Sweetly Nibbles On Harriet’s Tail 💕 Goes Under Her Petticoat 😊 H Foots M! 🦅 11.24.20 https://youtu.be/adYlF9yhti8
SWFL Eagles ~ It’s A Surf & Turf Day! M Delivers Two Fish & A Bird! Harriet Has A Spa Day 💕 11.25.20 https://youtu.be/wSNIkfVW7y0
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Lets M15 Know She Wants Eggs 💕 Successful Bonding & More Sticks Added To Nest! 11-25-20 https://youtu.be/mdxjupNcoig
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M15 ~ Wishing You All A Happy Thanksgiving Day! 🍁🌰💕 11.26.20 https://youtu.be/PeNNH4alM-0
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings Harriet A Squirrel For Thanksgiving Day Brunch! 😊 11.26.20 https://youtu.be/xhU3Mymn2EM
- SWFL Eagles ~ Incredible Nest Building! M Unveils Operation Warp Speed In Getting Nest Ready 11.27.20 https://youtu.be/SJAEpP70tg0
SWFL Eagles ~ Lunch On The Go! 😊 M15 Eats A Fish On The Branch! 🐟 His Crop Is Bursting! 11.28.20 https://youtu.be/bdRIpJkA_PY
SWFL Eagles ~ A PEEK At M’s Brood Patch! Watch His Reaction To Harriet Footing Him PRICELESS 11.28.20 https://youtu.be/Wc6pHv9KEYg
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet’s Enormous Crop!! 😊 She Must Be Eating For Two! 11.28.20 https://youtu.be/dduBXwXmdv8
SWFL Eagles ~ M Is The Man With A Plan! 😊 Brings In A Christmas Tree To The Nest 😊 💕 11.29.20 https://youtu.be/wz2jP1GgjDw