Harriet and M15 began the New Year and are
about half-way to the hatching of their precious Eggs. They diligently and
patiently care for their charges and make incubating look easy. They
instinctively know when to roll the Eggs to keep them at the perfect
temperature. The gentleness with which they tend to the Eggs and aerate around
them is amazing. Their beaks and feet are strong enough to tear through fish
and prey but they move about the nest with the utmost caution. The same
tenderness will be seen as they feed and brood new babies.
Harriet and
M15 are a superb team and are very much tuned into each other. M15 delivered food
gifts for Harriet even though he had not done so for a while. He also brought
nesting material to fluff up the nest bowl and keep it cozy for their Eggs. Securing the territory is a priority for both
and the alert is sounded for any perceived danger. They each have escorted intruders out of the area. M15 perches above the nest
and guards his Family throughout the night, taking an occasional incubating
shift. Harriet’s time off nest duty is usually during the day hours perching in
a favorite place or soaring the skies.
Harriet and
M15 have their sights set on welcoming Eaglets in a few short weeks. Their work
is never done and they will give their all to the care of their Family. Hope
abounds for the New Year and for the success of Harriet, M15, and their future
offspring. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
A Morning Of Reward For M15: A Rabbit -A Chase -A Bath 12-28-20 https://youtu.be/MtQSqmO5nQI
Pretty Last Morning Of 2020 Harriet On A Long Break/M Incubates Pasture Birds Visit 12-31-20 https://youtu.be/s_qoXBIbAwk
Harriet Is Fine After Owl Hits Her ~ H&M Remain On Alert For Any Visitors 01-04-21 https://youtu.be/SZ-xgLRC6wM
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~H & M Continue To Show Excellent Teamwork! Perfect COG’s & More Fluff For Nest 12.30.20 https://youtu.be/w-4A9eJlIog
SWFL Eagles ~ M Brings Harriet A New Years Eve Fish To Celebrate! A Beautiful Sunrise 💕 12.31.20 https://youtu.be/n0E0wldB3QM
SWFL Eagles ~ Not On My Head OR Back! 😊 H & M Both Put Grass On One Another! 😊 1.1.21 https://youtu.be/kD1N2Ptbc_w
SWFL Eagles ~ A Juvie Attempts To Land In Nest Tree! 😊 Harriet Vocal & M15 Escorts Out! 1.2.21 https://youtu.be/ZxbSNsco6VI
SWFL Eagles ~ M Covers The Eggs With Grass!! 😊 Harriet Chased Intruder Out Of Area! 1.3.21 https://youtu.be/PLpzK20AsHA
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Gets Hit By An Owl! She Chases It Around The Pasture – Alarm Vocals! 1.4.21 https://youtu.be/jLz36_suTx0