Harriet and M15 continue on their around the clock incubating shifts while the time is ticking down to Egg hatching. Harriet and M15 work in perfect harmony to defend, protect, and care for their family. They are aware of all that goes on in the territory and keep it secure. Day or night, any intruders entering the area are warned and promptly escorted away. All of their energies are focused on adding to their legacy of strength and perseverance.
Harriet and M15 share all aspects of their lives as an exceptionally united pair. They take great interest in each other’s whereabouts and actions. M15 usually follows Harriet’s lead, as seen earlier in the Nesting Season. She began construction of a nest in the West pasture, and he joined in the effort. Harriet decided to use their original nest, and M15 once again got busy readying it for Eggs. When the Eggs arrived, M15 eagerly contributed to care of their precious cargo, staying for long periods on nest duty and taking overnight shifts incubating.
Harriet and M15 tirelessly pursue their ultimate purpose of bringing new life into the world. They worked especially hard this Season preparing the home front for their offspring. They will soon realize the reward as they welcome their next generation to nurture and impart the ways of Eagle life. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- A ‘Racing’ Morning ~M For Steal At Pond ~Horses To Feed Stand ~H To Secure Area 1.8.21 https://youtu.be/6rpl6jhL-Io
Video by JCs Eagle Cottage (captured from SWFEC cameras)
- Thursday 01/07/2021~SWFL Eagles.. Oops, sorry for stepping on you Honey.. https://youtu.be/hm3HE0bmWHQ
Thursday 01/07/2021~SWFL Eagles.. We have to go back! Sweet Eagle dreams.. 😘 https://youtu.be/fFdk83tlDHo
Friday 01/08/2021~SWFL Eagles.. Close ups of mom. Getting ready for Sweet Eagle Dreams.. 😍 https://youtu.be/Cmzd0_CdkrU
Friday 01/08/2021~SWFL Eagles.. Patience is a virtue.. 😊 https://youtu.be/RMF6t20AJ88
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
- SWFL Eagles ~ INTRUDER ALERT! Adult Eagle Tries To Land On Attic! H Screams & M Gives Chase 1.5.21 https://youtu.be/c1TBmc5V2Ss
- SWFL Eagles ~ Sweet Change Over! 💕 M Excitedly Pushes H Off Eggs So He Can Incubate! 😊 1.7.21 https://youtu.be/13abbpEIjrQ
- SWFL Eagles ~ Possible Owl Strike On M15 -Falls From Branch! Distress Vocals! 1.11.21 https://youtu.be/I96ya91Z0qM