Harriet and M15 have proven again how well suited they are as mates. Keen instincts and a lot of experience allowed them to produce their new generation of offspring. They delayed incubation of Egg 1 and then incubated continuously after Egg 2 was laid, three days later. This great effort enabled E17 and E18 to break into their new world on the very same day. What a special delivery!
Harriet and M15 kept up around the clock tending to the Eggs even as they were piping and beginning to hatch simultaneously. Mom and Dad were aware and watchful with all the movement and peeps from the chicks as they began to emerge from their shells. The hatches took place within 2 hours of each other, which is an amazing event. M15 arrived to check out his precious babies and eagerly took his turn to brood them. Harriet seemed to have a sense of contentment with their labor of love as she protected her new babies overnight.
E17 and E18 are feisty little raptor babies and almost immediately began their rough and tumble sparring. Closeness in age gives them equal footing as each holds their ground. They will learn to make their way in the nest and beyond. Lessons begin on day one and ensure Eaglets are able to survive on their own in the wild. Mom and Dad take on the task of raising their strong babies and imparting the ways of Eagle life to them. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
Hatch Time Draws Near As H & M’s Exchanges & Defense Continue 01-20-21 https://youtu.be/AB3HhAE2j9c
We Have A PIP! 1st Peek At 8:32AM On M15’s Watch & Harriet Away On Break 01-22-21 https://youtu.be/xu7Wx1iWAHA
Video by JCsEagleCottage (captured from SWFEC cameras)
Monday 1/18/2021~SWFL Eagles.. Juvenile land in nest tree with mom on the eggs, dad flushes it out. https://youtu.be/VobY6A6Uli8
Tuesday 01/19/2021~SWFL Eagles.. Beautiful close up of M15.. ❤️ https://youtu.be/2WMqgK_TFP4
Wed 1/20/2021~SWFL Eagles.While our eyes are on the eggs looking for a pip, M surprises H with grass https://youtu.be/Ig4hr9ncCsY
Thurs 1/21/2021~SWFL Eagles.. Juvie/Sub adult follows H to nest tree and tries to land on the attic. https://youtu.be/rgZ6ZuekDEE
Fri 1/22/2021~SWFL Eagles.. We have a pip in both eggs! Close up of H&M and of the eggs of course..😊 https://youtu.be/vMyvhz1TXT0
Sat 1/23/2021~SWFL Eagles..Yay, both Eaglets hatch on the same day! Welcome to the world E17 & E18.😍 https://youtu.be/TlwmvvFVavo
Sun 1/24/2021~SWFL Eagles. Dad sees E’s first time, E’s getting first bites, dad brings in squirrel. https://youtu.be/twFIV4abI7M
Sun 01/24/2021~SWFL Eagles.. E18 goes belly up, great feeding, dad started stocking up the pantry..😊 https://youtu.be/an1xGORjgKQ
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ Visiting Juvie Lands In Nest Tree! 💖😊 Perches Comfortably Until M Chases Off 1.18.21 https://youtu.be/SqZ4JML_Rd0
SWFL Eagles ~ Super Dad M 💕 Stubborn Rebel! Refuses To Let Harriet Back On Eggs! 😊 1.19.21 https://youtu.be/0ox9JUkva8A
SWFL Eagles ~ TWO Great Horned Owl Strikes On M15! Harriet In Full Defense Mode! 1.20.21 https://youtu.be/YdOEsRmjAuI
SWFL Eagles ~ M Brings Harriet a Straw Hat! Puts Big Clump Of Grass On Her Head! Pip Watch 😊 1.20.21 https://youtu.be/7Vyhk8RFKro
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Chases Off Sub Adult Trying To Land On Attic! M Alerts & Protects Eggs 1.21.21 https://youtu.be/Pd6vXsr_MwY
SWFL Eagles ~ Owl Strike On M15!!! Poor Dad Gets Knocked Off Attic Again! 1.21.21 https://youtu.be/o5Pec2GrBbY
SWFL Eagles ~ It’s Official ~ WE HAVE A PIP! 😊 E17 Is On Its Way!! 💕XOXO 💕 1.22.21 https://youtu.be/8Q93U91gflM
SWFL Eagles ~ Amazing! TWO PIPS SAME DAY! E18 Is On Its Way! Pantry Is Stocked w/ Squirrel 1.22.21 https://youtu.be/tdMCMdJFHxA
SWFL Eagles ~ INCREDIBLE! Watch The EXACT Moment Egg #2’s External Pip Happens! 💕 In SLOMO! 1.22.21 https://youtu.be/HdQwLRYi_ic
SWFL Eagles ~ DOUBLE HATCH IN PROGRESS!! 💕 Egg Tooth Seen Chipping Away Shell 💕 AMAZING! 1.23.21 https://youtu.be/lz-IS0H15Kg
SWFL Eagles ~ Welcome To The World E17 💕💕 Official Hatch! 1.23.21 https://youtu.be/4cbM1IoGbXA
SWFL Eagles ~ E18 HAS HATCHED! Welcome To The World! 💕 Harriet Greets Her Little One! 💕 1.23.21 https://youtu.be/qVnmaEu-9VE
SWFL Eagles ~ Hello E17 & E18! 💕 Harriet & M15’s First Morning With The Kids! 1.24.21 https://youtu.be/7ik9oMGO1DI
SWFL Eagles ~ Oopsie! E18 Tumbles Over & Falls Backwards! Pops Right Up For Feeding By Dad 😊 1.24.21 https://youtu.be/L9pBZgFyOq0
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Feeds The E’s In The Midst Of Bonking! 😊 1.24.21 https://youtu.be/3RYiDspyM64
SWFL Eagles ~ Bobblehead Bonkfest Begins! Equally Matched Messy E’s wobble & duck! 😊 1.24.21 https://youtu.be/Vop98aO7ESo