Harriet and M15 spent the week adjusting to what they perceived as the loss of their two babies. E17 and E18, at five days old, were rescued by CROW (Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife) with permission for treatment for eye infections. Harriet and M15 returned to the nest through the day and each evening. They added some nesting materials and worked on strengthening their bond. Last Season they did much the same after the loss of precious E14 and non-viable egg. Harriet and M15 spent time accepting the loss, and in their desire to procreate, they produced two more eggs about 38 days later. Hope was that E17 and E18 would be ready to come home before Harriet and M15 set their sights on more babies.
E17 and E18 were recovering well, and CROW re-nested them seven days later. Harriet perched on the attic branch watching over her territory that morning. The bucket truck arrived and approached the nest tree with E17 and E18 on board. Harriet wanted to defend her nest, but flew off around the pasture and out of sight. E17 and E18 were carefully and quickly placed back in the nest. Hope was that Harriet or M15 would return immediately to find that their babies were in the nest. All were anxious to see the reaction of Mom and Dad.
Harriet and M15 are amazing Eagle parents. Harriet arrived on the nest a few hours later and seemed very surprised to see E17 and E18, who doubled in size. She looked around, and being an exceptional Mom, went right into tending to her babies. She gently checked them, fluffed up the nest, and provided shade for them. E18 quickly scooted to Mom as E17 slept in the comforts of the nest. Dad may have been a little nervous on his first sighting and time alone with his babies. They are all making their way and getting reacquainted with their routines and activities. E17 and E18 are establishing their roles in their environment and are thriving. Welcome home, E17 and E18! Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
H & M ~Such A Strong Bond As If One~ Through Thick & Thin 02-01-21 https://youtu.be/WcdGxEFvzHs
The E’s Are Home!! Renested!! & Harriet Returns To Them 02-05-21 https://youtu.be/jBG9xk7fDOk
Video by JCsEagleCottage (from SWFEC cameras)
Mond 2/1/21~SWFLEagles: Dealing with strong winds & day 3 of the absence of their 9 days old babies https://youtu.be/A8J8zXBm62E
Tues 2/2/2021~SWFL Eagles: Whatever happens, we’ll always be together. Day 4 without their babies..💞 https://youtu.be/Tn99nVA95tU
Wed 2/3/2021~SWFL Eagles: A rabbit for mom, day 5 after the twins where taken to CROW for eye care. https://youtu.be/1MZ6D3EI_Ic
Wed 2/3/2021~SWFL Eagles: H brings part fish to the nest, M takes it off the nest later again. SED❤️ https://youtu.be/QdknUymw4lo
Thurs 2/4/21~SWFL Eagles.. Day 6 without the twins/M brings in sticks & soft mat./ Close-ups of H 💕 https://youtu.be/bRJRxJgAZCs
Thursday 2/4/2021~SWFL Eagles.. Coming in, going down/Bonding & Kicking.. Day 6 without their twins. https://youtu.be/lzNkTy2sxAA
- Friday 2/5/21~SWFL Eagles.. E17 & E18 are getting renested after 6 days being CROW for eye care https://youtu.be/y1-ibwStICg
Fri 2/5/21~ SWFL Eagles.. Poor E17, finally home again, tumbles over & struggles to get up again.. https://youtu.be/JgBM0Oj8wfE
Fri 2/5/21~SWFL Eagles.. Kids are back home, after their adventure at CROW. Waiting for mom & dad. 😍 https://youtu.be/HzdYHTKt0es
Fri 2/5/21~SWFL Eagles: Mom gets home after the returning of the kids from their sleepover at CROW. https://youtu.be/C-tAzF15KCo
Fri 2/5/21~SWFL Eagles: Dad arrives and sees his kids first time after they returned home from CROW. https://youtu.be/2hDUkyWuZRQ
Fri 2/5/21~SWFL Eagles: Dad, is that a fish or stick, we haven’t had any food yet since where home.💞 https://youtu.be/oumSv5r-puQ
Sat 2/6/21~SWFL Eagles: Both E-s getting a private feeding, on their 2nd day back home from CROW.. 😍 https://youtu.be/9ClpBZH_cwo
Video by Lady Hawk (from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M Day 3 Without The Kids! Bonding, Back & Forth To The Nest Waiting.. 2.1.21 https://youtu.be/DRtF_wMj56s
SWFL Eagles ~Missing The Kids 💕 Mom Sleeps On Nest While Dad Watches From Attic! Nestorations 2.2.21 https://youtu.be/cEnsCjRZ8pg
SWFL Eagles ~ Day 5 Carrying on! Nest Work, Bonding, Breakfast For Harriet & A Bath For M 😊 2.3.21 https://youtu.be/KHDHs84BiQQ
SWFL Eagles ~ Team H & M 💕 Love Nips & Discussions!! Staying Strong In Difficult Times 💕 2.3.21 https://youtu.be/ntmM7fu21SU
SWFL Eagles ~ 💞 E17 & E18 ARE BACK HOME!! 💞 CROW Returns Them To Nest! 💕 2.5.21 https://youtu.be/bdiQdf5jxqE
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 Takes A Tumble & Falls Over Backwards! Covered With soft Grasses! CLOSEUPS 2.5.21 https://youtu.be/lESXon-4GvY
SWFL Eagles ~Honey I Found The Kids 😊 M Returns & Sees The E’s! 17 Needs Timeout For Bonking 2.5.21 https://youtu.be/_VRKscBMDxs
SWFL Eagles ~ A Day Of CELEBRATION! 🎉 Harriet REUNITES With Her Babies! 💕 😊 E18 Runs To Mom 💕 2.5.21 https://youtu.be/wHhjxeWDy98
SWFL Eagles ~ OWL STRIKES M15! Knocks Off Upper Attic ~ Harriet Distress Vocals! 2.6.21 https://youtu.be/McA6KlzoQaQ
SWFL Eagles ~ E18 Gets A Private Feeding By Dad While E17 Sleeps! 😊 Full Crop Seen Afterwards 2.6.21 https://youtu.be/N-T83MDBrU8
SWFL Eagles ~ M Delivers Rabbit! E17 Very Aggressive To E18 ~ Viewer Discretion Advised 2.6.21 https://youtu.be/NhEE4c3KNws
SWFL Eagles ~ Another Private Feeding For E18 By Dad 💕 Mom Wants To Feed Too! SED & Full Crop 2.6.21 https://youtu.be/Y4iHEtdKJOs
SWFL Eagles ~ E18 Eats FIRST This Morning! Wonderful Long Feeding By Harriet For Both Kids! 2.7.21 https://youtu.be/bTG3QjRol90
SWFL Eagles~ Sweet E18 💖 LOVE LOVE LOVE 💕 Adorable Closeups Of E’s! Cuddle Puddle Of Cuteness 2.7.21 https://youtu.be/DNPKQLoVI7Y
SWFL Eagles ~ MEGA CROPS on E17 & E18! 💖 😊 Harriet Makes Sure The Kids Are Stuffed! 2.7.21 https://youtu.be/lcI3H_AGXSA