E17 and E18 are making great strides on the way to their first flights. Strong winds over the week encouraged the exercising of their magnificent wings. While E18 is more cautious and fly hops with purpose, E17 hovers high above the nest and back with controlled landings. Once E17 reached the attic branch, frequent trips there were made with ease. E18 watched and looked for the way to get up there. E17 peered into the camera lens for a selfie session as Eaglets have done in the past. E17 perched with Harriet for a while on the attic and enjoyed the new perspective.
Harriet and M15 impart more lessons and examples to their intelligent, energetic Eaglets. Food deliveries have been plentiful some days and scarce others. Food will not always be readily available when they are on their own. E18 has become more assertive at meal drops, keeps their catch, and warns E17 away. Harriet intervenes to hurry them along, engaging them in stealing and tug-o-war over possession. She lets them win sometimes and keeps the prey, too, because she can. Their survival will depend on their ability to snag meals from other Eagles and animals in the wild. They are becoming fierce competitors for the food with Mom and Dad.
E17 and E18 are capable and ready to experience more of life away from the comforts of the nest. Adventure await them as they give in to the wind and let it transport them to new places. Timing is everything, and it is excitingly close to the time to fly. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

E17 and Mom on the attic branch.
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
All Four At The Breakfish Table ~ Beautiful Winging On The Veranda & Rails 04-06-21 https://youtu.be/_oES8e6i91Q
The E’s Together On The Veranda ~ Wings & Air Time On Their Time 04-09-21 https://youtu.be/M8Zh96AA9PA
A Breezy AM Of Wings & Branching & Two Food Deliveries 04-10-21 https://youtu.be/kkVwhxEH6i0
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers A Whole Fish! 🐟 E18 UNZIPS It & Eats!! 💕😊 4.5.21 https://youtu.be/Cei2e9xfptY
SWFL Eagles ~Stunning E17 & E18 Tandem Heraldic Poses! Both Showing Off Those Beautiful Wings 4.6.21 https://youtu.be/dMcPldIiVco
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 & E18 Both Branch Together On Veranda For The First Time! 💕 4.6.21 https://youtu.be/Uvtr2LEiyv8
SWFL Eagles ~ Big Beautiful E17 💕 Watching Mom Above On Treetop Perch & E18 Below On Nest! 4.7.21 https://youtu.be/-neVocwLLGs
SWFL Eagles ~ It’s Mine! No It’s MINE!! 😊 Tug-O-Squirrel, Steals & Mom Swallows The Pelt! 4.7.21 https://youtu.be/1l06cW9xp-g
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 Goes To The PORCH For The First Time!! 😊 It’s A Whole New World Out There! 4.8.21 https://youtu.be/VYl4vkV_oY8
SWFL Eagles ~ M Brings In A Tail-less Fish! 🐟 E18 Feaks (Cleans) Its Beak On E17’s Toes!! 😂 4.8.21 https://youtu.be/AasPte2pAmc
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 BRANCHES To Attic! Amazing Hover & Backward Landing! Hits Big Milestone! 4.9.21 https://youtu.be/K_K_70mNcsU
SWFL Eagles ~ E18 Showing Off With Impressive Wingercising On Spike! E17 Flaps On Veranda! 4.10.21 https://youtu.be/n7puksrqUYg
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 Fearless & Determined! Flies Up To Attic & Wingercises Next To Mom! 💕 😊 4.10.21 https://youtu.be/dBFJiuk2ksM
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 & E18 Dancing & Winging In The Rain! ☔ 4.11.21 https://youtu.be/mFDocXp1C28
SWFL Eagles ~ M Delivers RK Rabbit! E18 Mantles & Claims It! Tug-O-Prey With E17 & Harriet! 4.11.21 https://youtu.be/02ZW5AZGgHU