Harriet and M15 are adjusting to their overdue downtime as Season 9 comes to a close. E17 and E18 have embarked on their adventures to discover all that Eagle life holds for them. Mom and Dad succeeded in their efforts to rear energetic, intelligent Juvenile Eagles.
Harriet and M15 have expended tremendous effort over the past two Seasons that overlapped without much time off since 2019. The events over this time were both tragic and miraculous, which represents the reality of Eagle life. Harriet and M15 embody courage and resilience in their desire to bring new life into the world.
Harriet and M15 perch in peaceful places to renew and reinvigorate themselves. They keep an eye on the territory and visit the nest tree occasionally. They can rest well with the knowledge that another generation of their offspring is journeying to greatness. May the Great Eagle Spirit guide and protect them all along their way. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
First Morning Without E17 & E18 – Will They Return? 05-25-21 https://youtu.be/79FBuT8dCos
Moonbeams Dance On Season 9 Memories *Live Well E17&E18* *Rest Well H&M* 05-27-21 https://youtu.be/m9Z-CqKnjlc
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ EMPTY NEST! M Brings in Fish Head But E’s Never Show Up! E18’s Morning Visit ♥ 5.24.21 https://youtu.be/Y-6x8m_g1k0
SWFL Eagles ~ Is This Goodbye E17 & E18? 💕 Harriet & M Under The Full Moon w/out Their E’s 5.25.21 https://youtu.be/i-fgDJLb7DM
SWFL Eagles ~Day 3 w/out The E’s 💕 Harriet & M Spend Quiet Evening At Pond, N2 & Front Pines 5.26.21 https://youtu.be/7JgwwJ8JLUw
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Looking & Waiting For Her E’s To Show Up 💕 Roosts With M In Front Pine 5.28.21 https://youtu.be/IOkJJYYDDN0
SWFL Eagles ~Home Sweet Home! Power Couple Harriet & M Preen & Roost Together On Outer Attic 5.29.21 https://youtu.be/jIY-QCV9Le4
SWFL Eagles ~ A Time To Rest After A Long Season! 💕 Harriet & M Home Again For Evening! 5.30.21 https://youtu.be/xzHuOa_EY0I