Harriet and M15 kicked off the first day of Nesting Season with a flurry of nest work. They made appearances in the area over the last few months to check the condition of the nest and take inventory of what is needed. They both delivered sticks and materials and squabbled over the placement of the items. Harriet added fresh pine sprigs and even brought a flopping fish for dinner in the nest.
Harriet and M15 are adapting well to a few changes in the nest tree and pasture. The outer attic branch cracked and now bends downward. The OCT (Old Cam Tree)snag has fallen over after years of swaying in the wind. There are other places in the pasture where they can perch, preen and watch over their territory.
Harriet and M15 continued their work in the early mornings, took breaks in the afternoon, and returned to the nest tree to roost overnight. Most of the refurbishing is on the home nest with a few visits to Nest 2 in the West Pasture. They keep the area protected and make sure the neighboring Eagles are aware of the boundaries. Harriet and M15 look well-rested, healthy, and eager to welcome a new generation of offspring. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
- M15 Is Home! Harriet Too! ~Securing Their Territory 08-12-21 https://youtu.be/PdFcOSZg6_o
- Harriet Is Home & Greets The Morning 08-19-21 https://youtu.be/zWASUhe2njQ
- Harriet Fishes The Pasture Pond/The OCT Has Fallen 08-30-21 https://youtu.be/Jl-V5UcLUPQ
- Let Season 10 Begin: A Stick, Greenery, A Chase & Bonding 09-05-21 https://youtu.be/d9OpiUKGAlY
- Harriet & M15 Keep Us Guessing… They Visit Both Nests 09-14-21 https://youtu.be/L7CW3Z2rALk
- A Full Moon, An Amusing Red-tailed Hawk But No H or M 09-20-21 https://youtu.be/czUo4rCd1Ug
- Good Day For Cam Work As Harriet & M15 Are Away 09-24-21 https://youtu.be/g4I43idOPxY
- Early Morning Stick & Moss Gathering For The Nest 09-28-21 https://youtu.be/EyzzYaZRUjo
- Harriet Brings Home The Big Sticks & M15 Hunts Down Cattle Egrets 10-01-21 https://youtu.be/sbVzvagSOaY
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras.)
- SWFL Eagles ~ WE ARE LIVE! Welcome To Season 10 Starring Harriet & M15! 💖💕💖 9.29.21 https://youtu.be/yXYS6sRq4iE
- SWFL Eagles ~https://youtu.be/Fq30pDqGJkM Harriet & M15’s Early Morning Visit! M15 Lies In The Nest!! 💕💕 9.30.21
Header photo captured from SWFEC camera