Harriet and M15 are making steady progress and are exhibiting their readiness for coming events now that November is here. Typically Harriet lays eggs toward the middle to the end of the month.
Harriet and M15 are equipping the nest with all the elements to protect the precious cargo arriving soon.
Harriet and M15 added a lot of nest materials over the week. The “crib” rails look like a fortress, and the interior is becoming more cushioned with soft grasses. Harriet delivers fresh pine believed to show that the nest is occupied and to help keep bugs away. Harriet also loves to add her air plant décor to the nest. Harriet and M15 keep the area secure with vocal warnings, and they will escort any intruders away that venture too close. Their only hindrance is the stealthy owl that flies at them during the night as they roost in the nest tree. The startling annoyance is not welcomed but is very much a part of their world. They will be extra alert to the owl’s antics in the darkness.
Harriet and M15 delivered prey to the nest and are bringing in meals more frequently. In a switch of roles, Harriet brought a squirrel that M15 ate, and he presented a food item that Harriet liked better. M15 served up a flopping fish which Harriet enjoyed and gulped in a hurry. Their behaviors of nest building, courtship, and bonding will provide the ultimate benefit of adding to the realm of Eagles. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
Neighborly Conversations & Breaking Bread With The Crows 10-26-21 https://youtu.be/1ADtrGxr3Ho
Huge Sticks & Big Grasses – Amazing Views Of H & M’s Selections 10-29-21 https://youtu.be/lyVmG6inFgQ
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ COLLISION On The Nest! Sticks & A Fish Head For Harriet! Roosting Below Nest 10.25.21 https://youtu.be/v_Kh7UspHo8
SWFL Eagles ~ Power Couple Bonding & Squirrel Food Gift For Harriet! 💕💕 10.26.21 https://youtu.be/DgLDQV0CLmg
SWFL Eagles ~ AMAZING! Harriet Grabs A Pine Branch Mid-Air! Pulls Off Needles! Closeups! 10.27.21 https://youtu.be/xG2Jf1Gsjcs
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Gives M15 The Foot Twice! 😊 Mating On The Nest! M Goes Wind Surfing 10.29.21 https://youtu.be/olLAmpF2JFQ
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M Decorate The Nest With Big Sticks From The Fallen Fig Depot! 😊😊 10.29.21 https://youtu.be/2BX7R_J9Tt0
SWFL Eagles ~ M Delivers A Live Fish Gift For Harriet On Halloween! 🎃 🐟 😊10.31.21 https://youtu.be/AJwyIos6l70
SWFL Eagles ~ A Great Horned Owl Strikes Harriet & Knocks Her Off The Branch! SLOMO! 11.1.21 https://youtu.be/GcURBzS4oAo
Header photo courtesy of SWFEC camera