Harriet and M15 added another treasure to the nest with the delivery of Egg #2 laid on November 23. They immediately proceed to share the new task at hand of continuous incubation. They have their timing well synchronized. When one arrives, the other flies off to have time for themselves. For the next 35 or so days, the Eggs will be in a constant state of care as Mom and Dad turn and roll them and keep the nest fluffed up and warm. The Holiday Season may be a celebration of new life in the pasture.
Harriet and M15 are seasoned Eagle Parents committed to their responsibilities. Their offspring depend on their incredible teamwork. M15 continues to deliver sticks and grass for nest maintenance. Harriet caught and enjoyed her meal, as well food gifts from M15. An unidentified food object was spotted in the pasture by M15 and the vultures in the area. M15 and Harriet ate from the large carrion along with the vultures. The action was intense at first, then they all dined on the meal showing their interdependent relationships in the wild. It is an example of the possibilities for juvenile Eagles to find food on their journey as they learn hunting skills.
Harriet and M15 have excelled in caring for their precious Eggs to hatching and rearing their young. They are devoted to their goal and are well on the way in the process. All hope is for healthy and thriving Eaglets who will inherit the best of their devoted Parents. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Header photo by Anja Edleman from SWFEC camera
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
The Nest Begins To Blossom – Welcome Egg #1 11-22-21 https://youtu.be/0_4ZVZe_3Ck
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Brings In A Mourning Dove! M Nuzzles H’s Wing For A Shift Change ♥ 11.22.21 https://youtu.be/k8Q7z5STWvw
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Lays Egg #2 💕💞💕 Congratulations Harriet & M15!! 11.23.21 https://youtu.be/Lq1UmcJqi_U
SWFL Eagles ~ An Excited M15 Gets A Quick Peek At Both Eggs! ♥ Soft Vocals From Harriet ♥ 11.23.21 https://youtu.be/pgXG-f96Fb4
SWFL Eagles ~ M Incubates His Two Perfect Eggs For 1st Time! ♥ Puts Grass On Harriet’s Back 11.24.21 https://youtu.be/k43Cpgexkjk
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Alerts As A Sub Adult Eagle Tries To Land In Nest Tree! 11.24.21 https://youtu.be/PpDVSMeQX3k
SWFL Eagles ~ M Brings Harriet A Headless Fish For Thanksgiving 🐟 Puts A Palm Frond On Her! 11.25.21 https://youtu.be/cphvTwOOYUA
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Dines On Carrion With Vultures! 😊 11.26.21 https://youtu.be/V-uVC-ERCKc
SWFL Eagles ~ A Day Of Fluff Deliveries! 😊 Amazing Closeups Of Harriet & M15! Egg Views! 11.27.21 https://youtu.be/ZPAb6yYs9Mk