E19 and E20 turn four weeks old, are about a foot tall, and weigh 5 to 6 pounds. Their wingspan is nearly 2 feet, and juvenile feathers are popping out. Wiggly tails are almost 3 inches long, and big yellow feet and beaks are close to adult size. E19 and E20 are on a swift path in their development and are growing tall and strong.
Harriet and M15 hunt far and wide to bring in prey for their ravenous babies. A wide variety of food has been brought to the nest, including road kill mammals, birds and fresh fish. They have also delivered some strange and unusual catches of the day. E19 is still the first to be fed and reminds E20 to keep away. E20 is perfecting the waiting for the right moment to grab and snatch a share of the meal. Mom and Dad make sure both eager Eaglets are well-fed with bulging crops as evidence.
E19 and E20 are crashing through milestones. They gain balance and strength, stand for longer periods, and execute bigger wing flapping. They forage around the nest, find a morsel of food, and move nest materials. They are intelligent and curious, imprinting on everything they see. They stretch over and above the nest rails to observe the great world beyond. Mom and Dad work tirelessly to keep their cherished E19 and E20 secure and safe, imparting to them Eagle life lessons for future successes in the wild. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Photo by Anja Edelman from SWFEC camera
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
I See The E’s Over The Rails & Harriet Chases After A Sub Adult 01.18.22 https://youtu.be/RzdGdYQsSdY
Foggy Morning Breakfast(s). Both E’s Seen Eating. Harriet Patrols The Area. 01.21.22 https://youtu.be/odWSSnet6AQ
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFWC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 Very Aggressive To E20 ~ Viewer Discretion Advised! 1.17.22 https://youtu.be/R24DXakAuBs
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Brings In Two Fish! Harriet Feeds One & M15 Feeds The Other To The E’s! 1.17.22 https://youtu.be/UnX6t-HcJUg
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Patiently Waits & Gets A Feeding Before Bed! 💕💕 1.17.22 https://youtu.be/Ad9AT8_ljkM
SWFL Eagles ~ Adorable Closeups Of Harriet & Her E’s!! 💕💕 1.18.22 https://youtu.be/BGQey5cB5F4
SWFL Eagles ~ Highlights Of E20 Snatching & Grabbing Food Today! Swallows A Fish Tail! 😊 1.18.22 https://youtu.be/kp60KvGT1S4
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 *STUFFS* E20 In Private Feeding! HUMONGOUS Crop On E20!! 1.19.22 https://youtu.be/SJQRQgF_r_Q
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Says The Fish Tail Is MINE! Picks Up, Carries & Attempts Self Feeding! 🐟 1.19.22 https://youtu.be/2sBGFi__jnA
SWFL Eagles ~ Bye Bye Birdie!! 🐦 M15 Delivers A Blue Jay For Breakfast! 1.20.22 https://youtu.be/3Shbu2oXmVE
SWFL Eagles ~ DaddyDash Delivers A Fish & Feeds Both E’s! Mom Finishes Feeding! E20 Big Crop 1.20.22 https://youtu.be/7GWAFvplu8g
SWFL Eagles ~ TOTAL CUTENESS At The Rails! Two Happy & Stuffed Siblings! 😊 Foot Buddies! 1.20.22 https://youtu.be/ra9NdhQJanw
SWFL Eagles ~ E20’s Beautiful Wingers & Heraldic Pose! E19 Plays w/ Air Plant – Pin Feathers 1.20.22 https://youtu.be/AfwAQzzBRXc
SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Teaches De-furring Lessons & Fur Is Flying! HUGE Crops On Both E’s! 1.21.22 https://youtu.be/h-fu0OeWaeU
SWFL Eagles ~ Last Feeding Before Bed! Harriet Swallows Rabbit Pelt! M15 Puts Grass On E’s! 1.21.22 https://youtu.be/O2NZnBCTNn4
SWFL Eagles ~ Owl Strikes M15 & Knocks Him Off Attic! Harriet Reacts Vocalizing & Flapping 1.22.22 https://youtu.be/2wd03SoV9d4
SWFL Eagles ~ OH MOM! Harriet’s Flying PS Hits E19 In The FACE! 😂 Splashes Across E20’s Back 1.22.22 https://youtu.be/dcpdkDVZNkQ
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In UNIQUE Prey! A Huge Two Toed Amphiuma Salamander! 1.22.22 https://youtu.be/wjcF5WJVFZk
SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Allopreens E19 For The First Time! Plus Little Wingers! 💕 1.23.22 https://youtu.be/jKF1mSvI8KI