E19 and E20 are turning six weeks old and are changing by the minute. Their beautiful dark juvenile feathers are quickly emerging. Telling them apart is difficult as they become closer in stature. Their behaviors are the most telling difference between them. E20 practices and has a good technique of self-feeding while sitting and holding the prey to pull off pieces. E20 “steals” food from E19 and Mom and Dad. It is no surprise that E20 achieved these skills first in finding ways to get to the meal. E19, still being more assertive at mealtime, was observed standing on the fish and pulling pieces off to eat.
E19 and E20 spend waking hours through the day taking in all the sights and sounds. They stand upright with heads and shoulders seen above the rails. They walk with purpose and pick up and move nest material, sticks, and other items of interest. E19 stood on the lower nest rails teetering and looking over the edge. Their wingspan is impressive as they gain coordination and balance winging in the breeze. They are in charge of the nest through the day and in the overnight hours with Mom or Dad in clear sight. E19 and E20 are building up muscles and confidence for coming events and future flights.
Harriet and M15 have more time to themselves and time together to keep their bond strong. Their commitment to each other and their family is unfailing. They support each other and encourage E19 and E20 in surpassing milestones as they mature into bright and brilliant young Eagles. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
SWFL Eagles & Eaglets_ Dance! Eat! Grow! 02.01.22 https://youtu.be/53f886Q4Ysg
Watching The E’s Watching Their World Plus Two Fish Deliveries 02.03.22 https://youtu.be/jrtDYXSdsmY
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers A Live Fish 🐟 Great Feeding By H & M! E20 Shows Off Its Huge Crop 1.31.22 https://youtu.be/WcpKJMOlSmg
SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful E20 Watching Mom! Closeups On Tongue Barbs & Pin Feathers! 1.31.22 https://youtu.be/RAr1jvjLROE
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 & E20 ~ 5 Week Old Sibling Cuteness & Wingers! Harriet & M15 Bonding! 2.1.22 https://youtu.be/SL_eVwC6UMU
SWFL Eagles ~ Fresh Fish For Breakfast! Nice Feeding For E’s! E19 GRABS & SWALLOWS FISH Tail 2.1.22 https://youtu.be/9AtdfJ05oKQ
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In Roadkill Rabbit! E20 Nibbles Ear! Stuffed Crops On Both E’s! 2.1.22 https://youtu.be/cFutMdTGzzA
SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Wingercising E19 & E20! Beak Kisses & Playing With Nesting Material! 2.2.22 https://youtu.be/lGsTx3BZpwI
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 Takes a Tumble While Preening & Falls Over On Its Back!! 😊 2.2.22 https://youtu.be/Wc3PyH7B-vY
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Gets Wet Fishing! Feeds Both E’s A GREAT Breakfast! Huge Crops! 2.3.22 https://youtu.be/74XISenQ7NE
SWFL Eagles ~ A Day Of Feasting With 7 Deliveries! M Arrives With A Big Fish & Stuffs The E’s 2.3.22 https://youtu.be/-0Abgoiiuuw
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 SELF FEEDS!! 💕😊 Grasps Fish With Both Talons Getting Bites! E19 Wingers! 2.4.22 https://youtu.be/r6hB3QKfZRo
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Brings In Mammal Pelt! E19 Mantles & Grabs It! 2.5.22 https://youtu.be/vAOLa56WhHI
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In Catfish & Feeds The E’s! E20 Gets First Bites & Also Self Feeds! 2.5.22 https://youtu.be/ILejnVDp0p4
SWFL Eagles ~ Tug-O-Squirrel With Harriet & E’s! E20 Snatches Bite From E19! 2.6.22 https://youtu.be/3wntgCTGxB0