E19 and E20 stand tall and strong along the edge of the nest, and viewing them from the ground is a wondrous sight. They are brilliant beauties covered in Juvenile feathers, with magnificent wings extending across the nest flapping in the breeze. They watch the activity, track the birds flying overhead, and warn away any intruders from their nest. E19 and E20’s behaviors show their sense of self-awareness and self-protection. They are becoming great forces in their own right.
E19 and E20 anticipate Mom and Dad arriving with prey and are taking it to a new level as they dash to the meal. E20 executed a full mantle (cover prey with wings outstretched) and grabbed the food. E19 succeeded in snatching the food back to keep and eat. Harriet and M15 encourage E19 and E20 in rounds of tugging back and forth while being fed. The ability to find food when they are on their own will be E19 and E20’s greatest challenge. They are learning and perfecting the art of stealing and keeping a meal. Mom and Dad began leaving fish and prey in the nest for them to work at self-feeding. Mom or Dad would eventually go to the nest to help them.
Harriet and M15 strive to lead by example. E19 and E20 are quick studies and absorb the lessons. Harriet and M15 are insightful Eagle Parents providing for the needs of E19 and E20 and imparting to them the ways of Eagle Life to carry along on their journey forward. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Header photo by wskrsnwings
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
This Foggy Morning Enhances Our Eagles & Eaglets Magnificence 02.07.22 https://youtu.be/TxdaxIYqLZ4
The E’s Entertain Us Before Breakfast
- 02.11.22 https://youtu.be/jSeiKzyAjX8
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Delivers Big Fresh Fish! Great Feeding For Both E’s! E20 Has A Full Crop! 2.7.22 https://youtu.be/n8EVvBKTzX8
SWFL Eagles ~ A Young Eagle Lands On Outer Attic! Flies Off As Harriet Comes In Hard & Fast! 2.8.22 https://youtu.be/uPwY-jd5gsA
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 & E20 Each Get Their Own Fish Tail! 🐟🐟 2.8.22 https://youtu.be/dzmMfCWOCqc
SWFL Eagles ~ Owl Strikes M15 & Knocks Him Off Outer Attic ~ Harriet Gives Chase! 2.9.22 https://youtu.be/3bqP6-06_dg
SWFL Eagle ~ E20 Vs Harriet In RK Opossum Tug-O-War & Feeding! E20 Tries To Swallow Huge Tail 2.9.22 https://youtu.be/hksa-HLg-9Q
SWFL Eagles ~ Tenacious E20 Eats Almost A Whole Fish! Grabs Tail From Mom! Victory Dance 😊 2.10.22 https://youtu.be/O3T0-b_JDxw
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 & E20 ~ Beautiful Closeups Of 6 Week Old Siblings! 😊💕 2.10.22 https://youtu.be/t13GwJCxI6k
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M Bring In 3 Blobs Of Meat! E20 Loves It & Grabs Bites From Both! 2.10.22 https://youtu.be/lOzvnKmcDPE
SWFL Eagles ~ So Cute!! E20 Allopreens E19’s Head Feathers!! 😊 2.11.22 https://youtu.be/IPeMFftDUR8
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 MANTLES & CLAIMS RK Rabbit! E19 Steals! E20 Grabs Pelt From Mom & Swallows 2.12.22 https://youtu.be/WPXrOnRqY6M
SWFL Eagles ~ A Whole Fish For The E’s! 😊 E20 Chows Down & E19 Gets The Tail! 2.12.22 https://youtu.be/tgrAdh3PJ1M
SWFL Eagles ~ Sub Adult Visitor Attempts To Land In Nest Tree! E19 Defends The Nest!!! 😊 2.12.22 https://youtu.be/HhWl31i5fgI
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In A Squirrel & The E’s Practice Unzipping! Harriet Is A Mombrella 2.13.22 https://youtu.be/xy66RSIoTDA