E19 and E20 have grown to striking stature, becoming impressively strong and courageous. They move freely around the nest in search of treasures or morsels of food. They stand and flap sprawling wings on top of the nest rails, balanced and secure. They have their sights set on upper branches as their magnificent wings catch the wind lifting them higher and higher. The nest seems to be getting smaller as they flap, hop and jump from place to place. They bump into and off of each other and tussle for their own space in the nest. E19 and E20 may soon find themselves reaching a higher perch in the nest tree with the freedom to exercise their wings with ease.
E19 and E20 are keenly aware of their surroundings taking in all the activity. Harriet and M15 move among the branches of the nest tree and pique the interest of E19 and E20. They observe as Mom and Dad fly to a nearby snag and the pasture pond, possibly hoping to join them there. E19 and E20 tracked and struck defensive postures and vocals as a Sub-Adult Eagle circled and attempted to land in the nest. E19 and E20 are learning and practicing behaviors that will be critical for their survival in the wild.
E19 and E20 are on a fascinating pace as they morph into accomplished young raptors. They play as youngsters and appear to snuggle together one moment, then forcefully compete for an incoming meal. They experience independence by tackling food items, self-feeding, and sleeping alone overnight in the nest. Harriet and M15 offer unwavering support, lessons, and examples in their efforts to prepare E19 and E20 for passage to their lives as majestic Eagles. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Header photo by Anja Edleman (captured from SWFEC cameras)
Weekly Video Highlights
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
Dad Delivers – A Meal For Each E. The E’s Like Mom’s Bromeliad Addition 02.21.22 https://youtu.be/1J3UrjMotes
E19 & E20 _ Their Largeness Is Amazing! 02.24.22 https://youtu.be/H7H7gc8GRHE
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Brings An Airplant! E19 Drags Around Nest 😊 Plays Tug-O-Plant With E20 2.21.22 https://youtu.be/f8NJQQsyNHs
SWFL Eagles ~ Four Surf & Turf Deliveries By Dad! Snatches, Steals & Self Feeding! 😊 2.21.22 https://youtu.be/vXUE4DclnGU
SWFL Eagles ~ Tandem Feeding For The E’s! Three Deliveries Of Fish & RK Mammal! 2.22.22 https://youtu.be/yPhW-TyNwCE
SWFL Eagles ~ It’s A Squirrelfest! Two Squirrels E20 Mantles & Claims Prey! Dual Feeding!! 2.23.22 https://youtu.be/uCIYdFOI7Xs
SWFL Eagles ~ Go Go GO E’s! A Day Of Winging, Hopping & Flapping! E19 Lands On E20! 😊 2.23.22 https://youtu.be/K5sAuosiEBs
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 & E20 Side by Side At Rails 💕 Tongue Barbs, Tails & Nictitating Membranes 2.24.22 https://youtu.be/wfVqZmVEuPI
SWFL Eagles ~ We’ve Come A Long Way Baby! Beautiful Moments With E19 & E20! 💕💕 2.25.22 https://youtu.be/lNT4xGSb_9Q
SWFL Eagle ~ E20 Mantles & Successfully Protects Prey From E19’s Steal Attempts! Eats It All 2.25.22 https://youtu.be/Jvulu56gtEo
SWFL Eagles ~ Squirrel & Fish For Breakfast! E20 Claims Both & Eats! E19 Steals Squirrel 😊 2.26.22 https://youtu.be/gj80hSQaY2M
SWFL Eagles ~ Young Eagle Tries To Land In Nest Tree! E19 & E20 Go Into Defensive Mode! 2.26.22 https://youtu.be/Y1Z6r–HGnQ
SWFL Eagles ~ High Hops & Flapping For The E’s! Wingercising Wing Spats! 😊 2.27.22 https://youtu.be/dU0kjp89ddk
SWFL Eagles ~ M Brings In A Tail-less Catfish & Feeds The E’s 😊 Harriet Finishes The Feeding 2.27.22 https://youtu.be/4_DvcBLy4gc