E19 Fledge on Sunday March 20, 2022 at 11:57 a.m.

E20 Fledge on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 3:46 p.m.
E19 and E20 have reached Adult-size in their 12 weeks of growing tall and strong. Their stature is exceptional as the nest seems to shrink when the Family is together on the nest. E19 and E20 appear to be bigger than the Adults because of flight feathers that are longer for ease as they learn to fly. E19 and E20 have performed well in their winging sessions, hovering high, and fly-hopping from branch to branch in the nest tree. E20 reached the attic branch for the first time and has since explored most of the areas in the nest tree. E19 and E20 are prepared and ready to take to the sky for their flights to freedom.
E19 took a courageous first leap from the outer branch with a proper fly about the pasture. E19’s first attempt at landing back in the nest tree branch was a misstep. E19 held on and hung upside down on the treetop limb for a few seconds, released, recovered, and flew on to a pasture snag. Landing can be difficult to navigate when newly fledged, prompting E19 to divert from a snag tree and drift to the ground. E19 flap-walked around to experience this new destination only viewed from above. E19’s expansive wings and strength allowed a perfect take-off into the air and a better landing in a nearby tree. E19 spent more time exploring the area, returning home in the evening.
E20 observed E19 off enjoying the sights and decided to have their own exciting experience. E20 spent the morning fly-hopping from place to place in the nest tree and seemed excited and restless. As the wind picked up, E20 launched effortlessly from the attic, performed a short fly about the pasture and back. E20’s landing target was the attic with a slight stop on the nest. Mom watched from the outer attic branch and vocalized approval of her mighty flyers. E19 and E20 will take many excursions of new adventures and discoveries.
Harriet and M15 have successfully reared many offspring. Their young have been well provided for and guided in the ways of Eagle life. Harriet and M15 kept the area secure when other Eagles and Sub-Adult visited. E19 and E20 learn from the best and display their many abilities. They excel in self-care, eat a meal themselves, and protect the nest from intruders. E19 and E20 will remain in the area to perfect flying and the beginning hunting skills, under watchful eyes and examples of unequaled Eagle Parents. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Photos captured from SWFEC cameras
Weekly Video Highlights
Fledge Videos:
Video by Ezio Studio
SWFEC 2022 E19 Fledge https://youtu.be/s8t2-M8ZIdc
Video by Lady Hawk
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Ground Video by wskrsnwings
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Video by Lady Hawk
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