E19 and E20 broke into the world a few short months ago, grew well and quickly, and transformed into brilliant beauties ready to take on Eagle life. They graduated from the nest to the branches above and eventually to the freedom of flight. They explored the perches and trees close by, found peace and comfort at the pond, and flew the skies higher and farther. These experiences have prepared them for coming adventures.
E19 and E20 perched on the pond fence and watched for opportunities to grab a meal. They made occasional moves to sweep the ducks and birds in the pond. After spending a morning together, E19 flew off, then E20 followed toward the West. They circled back around the nest tree and pastures. They caught the thermals, crisscrossed paths, and sailed to the highest heights out of sight to the East. The serene soaring may have been the last look for E19 and E20 before embarking on their journey. E20 returned to the area a few hours later. E19 has been out of view since their breathtaking flight on Thursday, April 28, at 10:18 am.
Harriet and M15 flew off in the mornings and returned in the evening. They roosted close to the nest tree. E20 is enjoying life as the only Juvenile, frolicking in the pasture trees and relaxing at the pond. E20 is getting their fill of all the food available. E20 is ready for departure but has not had the spark to leave as of this writing. Harriet and M15 will soon have their vacation now that their goals are within grasp. They reared two radiant raptors, ready to add new chapters to their lives as exceptional Eagles. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Header photo by wskrsnwings courtesy of SWFEC cameras

Photo by wskrsnwings: E19 and E20 mock battle in mid air.
Weekly Video Highlights
Video by wskrsnwings
E’s Wait For Food Drop: E20 Excels In Survival Skills – Claim/Carry/Keep 04.27.22 https://youtu.be/D8sjv3jGVCI
E20 Commands The Pastures & E19 Is Not Seen 04.29.22 https://youtu.be/ehsxPpdq0do
- Video captured from SWFEC camera:
SWFL Eagles_ Soaring In The Golden Silence…Is This Goodbye E19?? 04.28.22 https://youtu.be/OQ81XQQmm1w
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ Both E’s ON THE HUNT! Zeros In & GRABS Something From Pond & Carries It Off!! 4.25.22 https://youtu.be/bxRZbXVVrzY
SWFL Eagles ~ Gorgeous Coverage Of E’s At Pond Bathing & Playing! Double Heraldic Pose 💕💕 4.26.22 https://youtu.be/m4N4CTa2xXQ
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Nabs Fish From Dad & Flies Off With It! E19 In Pursuit! E20 Keeps It! 4.27.22 https://youtu.be/oD4RPwC7Bck
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 & E20 Share Their Last Morning Together Before Possibly Saying Goodbye! 💕 4.28.22 https://youtu.be/0xdLHDQWbl4
SWFL Eagles ~ Is This Goodbye E19? 🐦 Last Coverage Of Both E’s Soaring Together! 💕 MUSIC 4.28.22 https://youtu.be/ol6ygUFCc-0
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Enjoying The Rain ☂️ Scoots Bottom For Branch Bath! Perching w/ Mom & Dad! 4.29.22 https://youtu.be/z7S1aJT2r58
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Honing Survival Skills! Swooping Hunting Passes & Preening On Pond Pylon! 4.30.22 https://youtu.be/OUv0J8YBh7I