E20 remained in the area and took charge of the pasture and pond, honing hunting and fishing techniques. E20 perched on the leaning palm tree surveying the pond for a chance to catch or steal a fish. E20’s favorite pastime has been swooping on the ducks and water birds. E20 took off to soar high and far, and it seemed like a final look at the territory. E20 returned to spend another day in the haven where they have grown, learned, and thrived over the past months. E20 took a flight the next day around the pasture and soared the skies out of view. E20 began their Juvenile journey on May 18, 2022.
Harriet and M15 return to the nest tree in the evenings. They seem to have a sense that they have fulfilled their goals. Mom and Dad imparted the best of each of themselves to their accomplished offspring. E19 and E20 will survive and excel with the prowess and fierceness they possess as young raptors making their way in the world.
Harriet and M15 will now take their time to refresh and recharge after their rewarding nesting season. They may work on some nest renovations while they remain in the area. They are mostly out of view, but Harriet visits from time to time to check her treasured nest. M15 might travel but is seen occasionally in the area. May the Great Spirit watch over them all and may E19 and E20 be safe and flourish as they experience life as magnificent Eagles. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.

Photo courtesy of SWFEC. Header photo by wskrsnwings
Video Highlights
Video by wskrsnwings
- Dragonflies Abound Around E20… Is Today The Day?? 05.18.22 https://youtu.be/Bnun2goWY1U
- E20 – Amazing Mastery Of A Farewell Flight 05.18.22 https://youtu.be/97C8FBqKRfM
Video by Lady Hawk
- SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Goes Fishing! 😊 Soaring Around Pasture & Returning To Nest! 💕💕 5.16.22 https://youtu.be/__bXRFHbMyA
- SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Beautiful SOARING HIGH & Returning For One More Day! 💕 Adorable Closeups! 5.17.22 https://youtu.be/GxgAepnEgXI
- SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Spends Afternoon At The Pond Playing, Having Fun & Taking a Bath! 😊 5.17.22 https://youtu.be/idVsAE5HUUQ
- SWFL Eagles~ Is This The Day You Leave E20? 💕 Last Coverage Before Soaring High Out Of Sight 5.18.22 https://youtu.be/URrcyMsVI4k
- SWFL Eagles ~ Is That You E20? 💕 Juvie Flies Around Pasture & Lands On Snag! 5.19.22 https://youtu.be/YwD0tK0PG0c
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M15 ~ Magnificent Duo Saying Their Goodbyes To E20! A Job Well Done 5.19.22 https://youtu.be/a3KdR3fFkO8
- SWFL Eagles ~ Dad Waits On Leaning Palm – No Sign Of E20! 💕 H & M Dawn To Dusk! RSH On Pylon 5.21.22 https://youtu.be/Y6qxzm8g37U
- SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M15 ~ MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! 💕 A Time For Rest & Renewal! 5.22.22 https://youtu.be/6qgSGESoLtk