M15 arrived toward summer’s end to survey his territory and inventory his nest. M15 appeared from his vacation looking rejuvenated and ready to take on another adventure. He has become a seasoned Eagle Dad through the years, and his experience is on full display. After losing his beloved mate Harriet last Season, M15 single-handedly raised his young Eaglets E21 and E22 to move on to live their best Eagle lives. Many female Eagles vied for his attention through those trying times. His focus remained on his devotion to his family.
M15 has been keeping the company of a young Female Eagle. Their courtship progresses as they perch together, remain close to each other, and engage in mating behaviors. They also work on restorations to the nest, with the Female following M15’s lead. Their bond becomes solidified if they eventually lay eggs and raise a family together.
M15 and his Female companion may be embarking on a new journey together. Eagles live in the moment, and we are privileged to observe them. There are many unknowns at this time. This Season is one of renewal and hope for magnificent M15’s future. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Ground Video By Androcat
SWFL Eagle Cam 8-24-23. M15 is Home! M15 & Female Perch, Work in the Nest, Hunt Together! https://youtu.be/15jN8EuzleY
SWFL Eagle Cam 9-1-23. M15 & Female in the Nest Tree; Leave Together Early do Eagle Things. π¦ π¦ π https://youtu.be/tTq5pPeXCEQ
SWFL Eagle Cam 9-13-23. M15 Joins F1 @ the Nest Tree; Eat Together in the Nest, Fly S Together. π https://youtu.be/Dw6URsp-yXI
SWFL Eagle Cam 9-26-23. Mighty M15 & F1 show their nest building skills! + Upside down tricks! π¦ π¦ https://youtu.be/rXu6jgUWo4c
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
Moonlit AM After The Storm: M15 Is Home-Female Here Too & A Full Rainbow At Sunrise 08.31.23 https://youtu.be/Cg7nJ5vsmx0
A Rainy Summer Morning ~ The Female Visits The Nest Tree 09.08.23 https://youtu.be/eGlS0jA3GOU
βCam Inspectorβ M15 Adds 3 Sticks & Female Wrangles A Pine Bough 09.22.23 https://youtu.be/jBjwLdjMyV4
Action Packed Nestorations: Both Add/Place Sticks + A Discussion 09.28.23 https://youtu.be/aRr3YA7K2s4
Video by Androcat (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagle Cam 9-30-23. Cams 1&2 are Live! First Cam Tour. Watch for M15 & the female in the AM! https://youtu.be/s7gUIxOMdEI
SWFL Eagle Cam 10-1-23. Nest Work, Bonding, + Close-up Views of M15 and Female. π https://youtu.be/dQKYaDRsjmk
SWFEC 10-1-23. M15 Brings Fish (Gift?), Female is a No-Show; M15 Returns w/full Crop; Close-ups! https://youtu.be/glM2Si2fOzc
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Closeups Of The New Female! M15 & Lady E Together On the Attic! π 10.1.23 https://youtu.be/YHY9RX_Zw-M
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings A Fish To Nest & Flies Off! He Returns With A HUMONGOUS Crop! π π 10.1.23 https://youtu.be/XIBI2LEnPIE
Header photo by wskrsnwings