M15 and F23, one from the high in the nest tree and one from afar, watched as E23 bravely hopped up to the veranda branch. E23 perched comfortably and preened while taking in new views. E23 was 62 days old at branching ranks among the younger Eaglets who branched previously. E23’s other big first was spending the overnight alone. M15 and F23 were possibly roosting nearby.
M15 and F23 presented E23 with food gifts for achieving the milestone. M15 brought the roadkill opossum right after E23 gracefully dismounted from the veranda. E23 perfects mantling, stealing, protecting the prey, and successfully self-feeding. E23 grabbed a whole fish brought in, opened it, and ate the head part. E23 pounces on items with their feet and carries things around in their beak. E23 moves sticks, aerates the nest, and imitates Dad and Momma. E23 is quick to learn and use behaviors that will be necessary as E23 navigates Eagle life.
M15 and F23 spend the nights away from the nest tree, allowing more freedom and independence for E23. They are never far away and drop in from time to time to check on their accomplished E23. M drops food and jumps out of the way to save his toes. F23 still occasionally takes the leftover food off the nest, teaching E23 to eat or lose the meal. Curiosity and confidence will drive E23 to venture to higher branches. Stay tuned as everything happens according to Eagle time. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Video by Androcat (SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles 3-2-24. E23 Branches to the veranda @ 08:04:19, 62 Days Old! Congratulations, E23! https://youtu.be/6tip92hmrA4
SWFL Eagles 2-26-24. E23 Works on Protecting Food & Self-Feeding on Two Morning Fish Deliveries! https://youtu.be/NhP5Mzw4i7Q
SWFL Eagles 2-29-24. E23’s Impressive Huge Mantle on Dad’s Squirrel Delivery! https://youtu.be/uPshyKJHSxI
Video by Lady Hawk (SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles 💕 E23 BRANCHES TO VERANDA AT 62 DAYS OLD! 💕 🎉CONGRATULATIONS E23! 🎉 3.2.24 https://youtu.be/FA3DqvzQkAA
SWFL Eagles ~BIG DAY FOR E23! Self Feeds, Opens & Eats Head Of Fish! Wind Almost Blows E Over 3.1.24 https://youtu.be/PUTuq-X7eA4
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In Celebratory RK Opossum For E23’s Branching! E23 Self Feeds ♥ 3.2.24 https://youtu.be/stm4KlzkaBo
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
E23 ~ Wings & Watches Waitin’ On Breakfast, Grass Delivery, Both Owlets Have Fledged 02.26.24 https://youtu.be/TNOU1QyumCY