M15 and F23 must take great pride in E23’s progression into becoming a forceful young raptor coming into their own. M15 and F23 nurtured and helped enrich their sensational offspring over the past 15 weeks. E23 has been a fast study and has surpassed many milestones. E23 has become a striking and formidable force in the area.
M15 and F23 use food as a motivator by taking prey to other places in the area to encourage E23 to follow. E23 has rarely known hunger since hatching. The absence of food in the nest may have confused E23 initially, but it worked wonders. E23 began to scout the territory to search for Dad or Momma with a meal. E23 practiced “hunting” by swooping and lunging at the ducks at the pond. E23 is adept at stealing and eating their “catch” quickly while protecting the prey.
M15 and F23 have inspired E23 with their exceptional examples. E23 keeps an Eagle eye trained on all the happenings in the pasture and beyond. A visiting Sub-Adult Eagle flew to a branch near M15. E23 raced to the nest tree to fiercely rout out the intruder and reclaim their place in the nest tree. E23 chased and flushed another intruder from the far boundary of the territory. Strength, intelligence, and intensity will drive E23’s passage to life in the wild as a magnificent Eagle.
Ground Video by Androcat
SWFL Eagles 4-8-24. E23’s Exploring & Soaring, Ground Video! Dad Stops by Twice; Fox Squirrel. https://youtu.be/En_eugVqEts
SWFL Eagles 4-8-24. Dad Delivers RK Mammal While E23 is Away Soaring; E23 Finds Dad at the Pond! https://youtu.be/TXA6BGeeE9k
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
E23 Is 100 Days Old Today – Flights Away & Back _ Watching & Waiting 04.09.24 https://youtu.be/BO4Xs-AlAiM
Video by Androcat (captured from SWFEC cameras and ground video)
SWFL Eagles 4-8-24. E23: Pond Play; Chasing Grackles; Recovering Underwater Treasure; Carry Practice https://youtu.be/bAhGM0D3lKA
SWFL Eagles 4-8-24. E23 Hunting Practice @ the Pond + Fishing Pass! Lunges @ Duck with Dad Watching! https://youtu.be/qJ7F5OM9pcw
SWFL Eagles 4-10-24. E23 Pestered by Mockingbirds, + a Look at Shrikes in the Nest Tree. https://youtu.be/sf7-Npo9UFU
SWFL Eagles 4-10-24. The Dangerous Life of Urban Eagles; F23 Recovers Roadkill; E23 Follows. https://youtu.be/xjUIap_m-dg
SWFL Eagles 4-12-24. M15 Delivers Squirrel Prey; E23 Claims It; Protects Against Subadult. https://youtu.be/CcC3Qwj3uTo
SWFL Eagles 4-12-24. Subadult Eagle Arrives; Perches by M15; Appears to be Same Eagle E23 Perched By https://youtu.be/cz8mEEGtzrY
SWFL Eagles 4-12-24. E23 Aggressively Forces Subadult from the Nest Tree 3X; Team Dad & E23! https://youtu.be/QAR1ErM8SIs
SWFL Eagles 4-13-24. Dad Delivers Squirrel for E23; the Pelt is a Tough One to Swallow. https://youtu.be/v-DCXnqgfFc
SWFL Eagles 4-13-24. A Look at the Small Injury on F23’s Right Foot. https://youtu.be/590-MA0JOV8
SWFEC 4-14-24. F23 Risks it All, Once Again Flies Down to the Road in Cam View.😔🙏🏻 https://youtu.be/_CFpDLjgkmY
SWFL Eagles 4-14-24. E23 Flushes Another Eagle; Adorable Views, & the Relentless Mockingbird. 😳 https://youtu.be/1PI9NgVN89c
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ E23 Pond Fun & Finding Treasures! Playing Hopscotch w/ Sticks, Chasing Birds 4.8.24 https://youtu.be/egqu44b8sqw
SWFL Eagles ~ Happy 100th Hatch Day E23 🎉 Beautiful Closeups! E23 Misstep Off Branch & Flight 4.9.24 https://youtu.be/LYOs_W8p4Og
SWFL Eagles ~ Mockingbirds Dive bomb E23 🐦 Watch E23 Give Upside Down Head Tilts Watching It! 4.9.24 https://youtu.be/DEt2v_J4Yig
SWFL Eagles ~ E23’s Pine Cone Contribution To Nest! Unzips It & Tackles A Wonky Feather 😂 4.10.24 https://youtu.be/SyVBQ1wN0tg
SWFL Eagles ~ Sub Adult Flies To U Branches & Perches Close To M15! Seems Very Comfortable! 4.12.24 https://youtu.be/jhBV7TM_klc
SWFL Eagles ~ E23 FIERCE DEFENDER Of Nest FLUSHES Sub Adult Out 3 Times! M15 Assists! 📢 🐥 4.12.24 https://youtu.be/Z-cBKxJbGVw
SWFL Eagles ~ F23’s INJURY! 😲 Altercations, M15’s 2 RK Deliveries, UFO By Mom! MLiz Photos 4.13.24 https://youtu.be/nuqXDwtJFmM
SWFL Eagles ~ E23 Chases Sub Adult Across Street! 📢 E Returns & Mockingbirds Dive Bomb! 🐦 4.14.23 https://youtu.be/KAuKzucht8g