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swfec nest notes extra: father’s day honors for m15

E23 shows Dad growing wings. (SWFEC camera)

M15 is honored on this special Father’s Day. After the tragic loss of his beloved mate Harriet, he soldiered on as a solo Eagle Dad to raise their eaglets to fledge and go on to live their best Eagle lives. M15 accomplished this unmeasurable feat with courage and bravery.

M15’s overwhelming instincts to protect and preserve his families through the years have come full circle. The desire to carry on his legacy found M15 in the company of a new Female Eagle, eventually winning her over. She became his mate, F23, and Momma to their precious E23. They worked through new family dynamics to raise E23 together. M15 is an exceptional mate and the Eagle Dad of the decade. M15 wears his magnificence well. Nest Notes by dadsjazz

A few videos from Season 11 and Season 12

Ground video by wskrsnwings

Moonlit AM After The Storm: M15 Is Home-Female Here Too & A Full Rainbow At Sunrise 08.31.23

M15 – Male Eagle Beyond Compare 11.14.23

Video by Androcat (ground and captures from SWFEC cameras)

SWFL Eagle Cam 10-4-23. M15 & F1: evening nest care, perching together at sunset, leave to roost.😊

SWFEC 11-25-23. M15 Arrives for his First Look at his Precious Egg, + First Incubation Shift. 🥚💜

SWFEC 1-14-23. Moments in Time: Tiny Feet; Snoozy E23; Four Days Old. 😊

SWFL Eagle Cam 4-25-24. The Greatest Dad of All Does it Again! M15 Catches/Saves a Fish for E23! 😋

SWFL Eagles 4-8-24. Dad Delivers RK Mammal While E23 is Away Soaring; E23 Finds Dad at the Pond!

Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)

SWFL Eagles 💕 A Night To Remember! 💕 Special Family Time With Dad & E21 & E22! 4.17.23

M15 Brings Prey To Ground! E21 Claims & Eats! M Stands Guard On Hubcap Tree & E22 Flies In 😊 4.24.23

SWFL Eagles ~ Adorable E23 & Dad Time 🐥 E23 Grabs & Pulls Dad’s Feathers! 😂 Mom Returns! 1.1.24

SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Does A Face Plant While Trying To Brood/Snuggle! E23 Bonks Dad! 😂 1.22.24

SWFL Eagles ~ E23 & Dad Precious Moments On U Branch! 💗 Heraldic Pose & Sunset Closeups 💗 3.31.24

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