M15 and F23 rely on their exceptional instincts as they maneuver through their lives. Nest building, choosing a mate, and raising a family together are all part of their innate abilities. Over the past few months, M15 and F23 have been preparing their nest for eggs. Their fortifications have proven sound in the face of an intense storm that blew through the area. They stayed close to the territory and relied on their senses to keep them safe.
M15 and F23 made many additions and improvements to the nest. F23 arrived at the nest one night and roosted on the attic branch until morning. On the day of the storm, M15 brought a fish for F23 that she took away to eat. F23 later hunkered down in the nest as the winds picked up. She flew off to possibly a more sheltered area to stay out of harm’s way. At first daylight, M15 and F23 arrived to survey the nest and start the reinforcements. All in all, the nest and territory did well.
M15 and F23 continue bringing in sticks and nesting materials. They will be seen at the nest more frequently, closer to egg-laying time. They will keep the area secure from intruders, especially the Great Horned Owls visiting the nest at night. “Whooo” wouldn’t want this beautiful nest for raising young. M15 and F23 will protect and defend their claim on their nest. They skillfully survive many adverse conditions to fulfill their desire to bring new life to the pasture. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
Post Hurricane Milton Visit ~ M15/F23 & The Nest Look Great & Strong 10.11.24 https://youtu.be/36VTljFZHV4
Video by Androcat (ground video and captures from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles 10-7-24. Night Moves: F23 Arrives on the Nest @ 1:31 AM, Stays Overnight on the Attic. https://youtu.be/zEjBbHvMN60
SWFL Eagles 10-7-24. M15 & F23 Get Work Done as Hurricane Milton Strengthens in the Gulf. 🙏🏻🦅💙🦅 https://youtu.be/Y6NVfmcuRME
SWFL Eagles 10-7-24. Rendezvous at the Nest, + Afternoon Delight! 🦅💜🦅 https://youtu.be/FGXVWdQT3s4
SWFL Eagles 10-8-24. M15 & F23 Nest Maintenance & Close-ups! +Hurricane Milton info in description https://youtu.be/hOjZYDphcFY
SWFL Eagles 10-8-24. F23 Brings & Eats Fresh Catch on the Nest! Eats a 2nd Fish in the Office Oak! https://youtu.be/0RxEIeyXnxY
SWFL Eagles 10-8-24. You Know Hoot Visits the Nest Tree; Male GHOW Hoots in the Nest Tree. 🦉 https://youtu.be/y0u2cR17ntY
SWFL Eagles 10-9-24. M15 Delivers an ABC 🐟 for F23 as Hurricane Milton Bears Down on FL.(Note Date) https://youtu.be/YCbOK6zvfI4
SWFL Eagles 10-10-24. Glorious Evening w/M15 & F23, Safe & Sound After Milton 🙌; F23’s 2 Nest Tests! https://youtu.be/tWNdy2lDZ1o
SWFL Eagles 10-10-24. M15 Delivers RK Food Gift, then Takes it off the Nest; Likely Followed In. 😋🎁 https://youtu.be/ZgXpyEqMQa4
SWFL Eagles 10-11-24. M15 Brings 6 Sticks, F23 Brings 4 Sticks & a Tree! Two AM Matings! 🦅🩷🦅 https://youtu.be/6pUllxklxOE
SWFL Eagles 10-12-24. M15 Brings Nest Material, F23 Delivers a Stick; Handsome M15 Close-ups! 😊 https://youtu.be/gWVfMIbYvtU
SWFL Eagles 10-13-24. Sticks & Grass for the Nest; Dynamics in the Nest; M15 Close-ups! https://youtu.be/ww2q08RjRG0
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 & F23 Work On Nest Before Hurricane Milton Threatens Florida! STORM UPDATE 10.8.24 https://youtu.be/rG-VXcIyn8M
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 Brings Live Fish To Nest & Eats 🐟 And A 2nd Fish In Office Oak! Hawk Visit 10.8.24 https://youtu.be/IoKef-Ilb7o
SWFL Eagles ~ Pre-Hurricane Milton! M15 Brings A Fish & F23 Claims It! Tour Of Pasture & Pond 10.9.24 https://youtu.be/ywKOFlgJhm0
SWFL Eagles ~F23 Flies To Nest In Strong Winds Before Hurricane Milton Made Landfall! Update 10.9.24 https://youtu.be/ibHx_jvnYxY
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 & F23 Are Back Safe In Their Beloved Nest Tree 💕 F23 Lies In Nest Twice 💕 10.10.24 https://youtu.be/2KBelWBuRHY
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 & F23 Bring In Big Lumber & Reinforcements! Beakie Squabble & 2 Matings 😂 10.11.24 https://youtu.be/77cPuLvlezc
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings Huge Pile Of Grass To Cover The Log + 6 Sticks!🌿 F23 Nips M15! 😃 10.13.24 https://youtu.be/F3YYZek3kwI
SWFL Eagles ~ Great Horned Owl Hooting On M15 & F23’s Nest!! 📣 10.13.24 https://youtu.be/AMfGSQMqPOw