M15 and F23 have been hard at work preparing their nest for the arrival of Eggs and Eaglets. They brought in many sturdy sticks and fluff and tested the nest bole for comfort and softness. F23 would spend more time lying in the bole and looking like she would lay an egg at any moment. The timing seemed off and too soon for egg laying, but everything is on Eagle time.
On Friday, November 8, 2024, F23 flew to the nest and settled in. She looked calm and content but soon started to show signs of labor. M15 stood guard on the treetop perch. Egg 1 arrived at 2:38 pm, but she stood over it for a while before allowing a peek. M15 flew off and returned with a fish gift. He was curious and eager to see their new Egg. On Monday, November 11, 2024, the third day after Egg 1, F23 laid Egg 2 at 6:15 pm. M15 had flown from the treetop perch. After her intense labor, F23 slept soundly with two perfect Eggs well protected. M15 flew in to see their new arrival in the early morning.
M15 and F23 begin the seamless exchanges and spend hours rolling and tending to their treasures. Their tireless patience and dedication to their future offspring is unfailing. Through these sensitive times, M15 and F23 will keep the area secure and any threats at bay. In 30 days or so, the success of their efforts will hopefully be realized with two precious Eaglets. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Video by Androcat (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles 11-8-24. F23 Lays Her First Egg of Season 13! SWFEC Team Official Time 14:38:21! https://youtu.be/sNJXNGpOVa8
SWFL Eagles 11-8-24. M15 Delivers a Fish Gift, Sees Egg #1 for the 1st Time, & Brings a Rail Stick. https://youtu.be/Rsxfi51oWEU
SWFL Eagles 11-8-24. M15’s First Incubation Shift of Season 13! https://youtu.be/CHLKV5MF_NE
SWFL Eagles 11-8-24. F23 Stays Strong; Protects Egg from Male Great Horned Owl Perched in Nest Tree https://youtu.be/RBxUxMMEUdk
SWFL Eagles 11-9-24. M15 Reports for Duty at Sunrise; Incubation Switches + Egg #1 Close-up View! https://youtu.be/5vqSo2-K19w
SWFL Eagles 11-9-24. M15 Delivers Food Gift/Rabbit for F23; She Eats on the Nest Again! https://youtu.be/-KhgHxY3gGQ
SWFL Eagles 11-10-24. M15 Brings Opossum Prey to the Pond, Eats on the Bank; Muscovy Ducks Watch. https://youtu.be/MWdIzyoMYSY
SWFL Eagles 11-11-24. F23 Lays Her 2nd Egg of Season 13! SWFEC Team Official Time 18:15:17! https://youtu.be/vXJpEmLTCHM
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 LAYS HER FIRST EGG Of THE 2024-2025 SEASON! 🎉 Congratulations M15 & F23 💕 11.8.24 https://youtu.be/h2M2E8NIIGY
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Sees His Egg 1st Time! ♥ So Excited It Arrived! Brings A Fish & Stick! 🎉 11.8.24 https://youtu.be/t1rm0vTl_5w
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Incubates His Egg For The First Time & Begins His Evening Shift! 💕 11.8.24 https://youtu.be/PYfRio8O1Z0
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 Protects Her Egg From Great Horned Owl Landing In Nest Tree! 😲 No M15! 11.8.24 https://youtu.be/c1eI4C0-17A
SWFL Eagles 💕 M15 & F23 Share In The Joy & Hope Of Their Future Legacy! 💕 11.9.24 https://youtu.be/ucx_Yjkv1BE
SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Closeups Of Egg 1 💕 M15 Delivers Food Gift For F23- She Eats On Nest 11.9.24 https://youtu.be/Rxe7vsLrQd4
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 & F23 Mate On Church Snag 💕 Laying Groundwork For Egg 2! Fluff Deliveries 11.10.24 https://youtu.be/J1nAwBkX_3c
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 LAYS Egg #2 🎉 Tea Kettle Whistle! Official time 18:15:17 Congratulations 11.11.24 https://youtu.be/yLXDQpb5BdY
SWFL Eagles ~ Cam 1 & 2 Are Live!! F23 Rolling & Incubating Her Precious Eggs! 💕 11.12.24 https://youtu.be/bak5toW8iGg